As an Art History major, I’ve run across a lot of questions about what I do, what I study, how my major is important, and how am I going to survive with my degree. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. An example is the Fete Galante devised in 1717 by the French academy which involves ball dress. Even with stereotypes as a deterrent, students continue to major in the age-old profession of art. But if someone is unfamiliar with the discipline, she said she can see why that person would believe the 
stereotypes. If you have questions or comments or insight to add, please comment or somehow let me know! Create a free website or blog at A liberal arts degree teaches students to think critically and write well, and helps to make people well-rounded citizens, Weatherwax said. COLUMN: Olivia Rodrigo’s 'drivers license' is surprisingly hard-hitting, Bloomington music store Tracks sees rise in vinyl sales during pandemic, Jacobs to offer opportunities to engage in music and art events this semester, City employees, Bloomington police dismantle Seminary Park homeless camp Thursday night, Bloomington man experiencing homelessness leads demonstration to mayor’s house, Bloomington man arrested for uploading child pornography to Kik, Bloomington nursery owners fulfill pandemic-driven houseplant demand. Number 5 is so true too. Equally, it introduces the discipline’s history, methods, and debates. Works Cited. This comment is saturated with obviousness. Stereotypes for students earning a liberal arts degree are common, and those for art students are even more so. A survey of IU’s 2014 class, done by the Career Development Center and Arts & Sciences Career Service, reported 5 percent of the students from the College of Arts and Sciences went into the art and 
design field. On November 16 Professor Noam Elcott delivered the keynote lecture, “A Brief History of Artificial Darkness and Race,” was an addendum to his 2016 book Artificial Darkness: An Obscure History of Modern Art and Media.His talk looked into the ways in which technology and spectacle were implicated in 19th century photography and theater, and early cinema, to perpetuate racial stereotypes in art. LOL. Some of us are from well-off families, some of us not. Art History majors are generally really passionate about their studies, but the same goes for other majors as well. I think you might want to check out All Things Albrecht Durer if you want to really find out how exciting art history can be. Please see 'A World History of Art' by Hugh Honour and John Fleming and E.H. Gombrich's `The Story of Art' for two textbooks which DO qualify as essential reading. The Chicago Art Institute really inspired me today. I have a PhD, but there are many jobs that you are qualified to do with just an undergraduate degree. Really? Many Art History majors are scrappy individuals who may not be going into more lucrative majors in sectors like finance and banking, but we have faith in our own abilities. However, there is one stereotype that I didn’t see that I personally get a lot. In an instrumental, subordinate role, it developed along with the other arts in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Yep, I’m pretty happy as an art librarian. AWESOME! “The idea that you become a BFA in sculpting and it is a waste is saying that someone pursuing their passion is a waste,” Weatherwax said. Here are a few jobs/careers that somebody with an Art History degree can acquire: Professor/Teacher of Art History (Also Masters/PhD). “We have to keep up with the new generation and what’s happening in the sociopolitical Iran of today. in Art History after 7 long years but I can relate. I’ve worked as a college professor, a consultant to the state education board, as a researcher at the Smithsonian, and much more. As an Art History major I’m schooled in basic science, theories, ways of thinking, and historical and contemporary politics, as well as religion, symbolism, the use of language, etc…a jack of all trades, you might say. As an Art History major, I’ve run across a lot of questions about what I do, what I study, how my major is important, and how am I going to survive with my degree. Now that it’s been a few years since I wrote that post it’s become so clear to me that art is at the center of humanity itself and is an inherent value of every human being on earth. In fact, technical job skills are number seven on the list. Berry said stereotypes against art majors are somewhat degrading. She also referenced another student with a BFA in painting who went on to become the creative director of Hiebing Integrated Marketing and Advertising Agency. Honestly if you want to begin learning more, go to Google Art Project and begin going through collections, or head to the library and spend an hour or two looking at books on the basics of art history! IU’s presidential search committee is asked to prioritize diversity. ( Log Out /  I’m really happy to be studying what I do- it really does relate to every aspect of life in one way or another! I came from a lower-middle class background (think ‘nice’ trailer park) and went though college in the 1980’s without parental financial assistance. Get more award-winning content delivered straight to your inbox. Change ), Stereotypes and myths about being an Art History major, I’m on my own finding a job and a secure future. All you think I’m good at is talking about art? Good luck! So false! Students will gain experience reading art history texts like Patton’s African American Art and Patton’s Black Art and Culture in the 20th Century. I really liked this article! Kate Middleton was an Art History major, now married. What should I do? Unchecked prejudice and bigotry leads to discrimination, violence, and, in extreme cases, genocide. Oh, darling, I’m good at a lot of things…. The idea of pursuing passion was not exclusive to the adviser. A couple days ago, I was joking and said “Michelangelo based David’s butt on a female’s” and I thought they knew I was joking but they had taken it seriously hahahaha. Also, the term “worthwhile” alone is subjective and open to multiple interpretations. Art conservator – assessing and repairing works with various levels of damage, Art researcher- pursuing ideas and theories about works and publishing papers on said research, Archivist- working within a museum or collection’s works. If you do History of Art, you’re posh and wish you’d done Fashion instead. Art is, again, universal. Let me know what you think. Its purpose is to show the pervasiveness of prejudice against blacks throughout the western world as expressed in stock-in-trade racist imagery and caricature. I’ve been an art historian for more than 40 years and still find that people want me to justify my choice of career. Recognizing the ways in which art performs disability ultimately challenges one-dimensional understandings of disability and art. While the prospect of two more years of school may be daunting, you should think of an MA as a worthwhile investment in a rewarding lifetime career. I feel like so many people take art history classes thinking that it’ll be an easy A. I so completely agree with number 4. The student had no advertising or business experience, she said. ( Log Out /  Language, particularly slang, is often used to dehumanize members of certain groups of people, and this dehumanization is a precursor of discrimination, isolation, and violence. 4. Who cares what people think. Keep on questioning, please. She mentioned a student who has a BFA in studio art but is now making dentures. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. This fully revised edition of the History of Art: A Student's Handbook introduces students to the kinds of practices, challenges, questions and writings they will encounter in studying the history of art.. Marcia Pointon conveys the excitement of Art History as a multi-faceted discipline addressing all aspects of the study of media, communication and representation. While my family isn’t particularly struggling, my dad isn’t some business mogul either. I get to be Grand Poobah of Special Collections, too! Berry was told by many to reconsider or to add a minor or a second major, she said. STEM majors are more worthwhile; a bachelor’s alone is enough to secure a good salary. So, time to de-bunk some myths: 1. Thank you so much for reading my post! For starters I chose Art history because I love it, second it’s what I’m good at, and thirdly, I have an anxiety disorder, ADHD, and dyscalculia, there is no way that I would be happy in a “stem” based career. in Art History; admitted to MFA, MSW, Law School Programs & finally chose MBA, where I met many other Art History Majors. But it isn’t diverse. The study focuses on survey results collected from high school students in an art education classroom and undergraduate college students in an art exploration course. However, for whatever reason, men still hold the best art positions at prestigious museums and universities! Don’t feel “stupid” for not knowing that my favorite painting is a German Expressionist work. She said she would enjoy working in a museum in the future. Even if I make some of it up. “You want a career in your passion, so for some people that’s business, and they can do that, but for those of us who don’t have that math and science mind, art is just our best method of communication,” said freshman Joy Gray, a German major with an interest in pursuing an art degree. You’d be surprised at how many dudes quietly live their lives pursuing Art History degrees. “If you have even an inkling that something related to art is a career field you would really enjoy, and that’s something you’re really passionate about, then I would say have no fear and go for it because, at the end of the day, you’ll be at least fighting in a career field that you enjoy,” 
Berry said. The painting depicts the exquisite outside entertainments of the first class. Hidden codes in the art, sitting in plain sight for over 500+ years, truly amazing. You cannot put a value on that, and being able to appreciate the importance of art, it’s ability to transgress, communicate, cross boundaries, etc. After all, if people don’t remember history, it’s the same thing as it having never happened… and plus, we all know that history repeats itself. ect. “I can, and will, talk about almost anything. Women’s representation in popular culture facilitates the stereotype of the simple-minded, emotional, and domesticated female. People always seem to assume that I’m from some kind of super elite background while in actuality, I’m from a normal family that supports me studying and pursuing what I love. The initialism, as well as some of its common variants, functions as an umbrella term for sexuality and gender identity. However, art students and art advisers say it still has many latent skills 
with it. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, some of the most important skills have nothing to do with technical ability. The earliest artifacts come from the Paleolithic era, or the Old Stone Age, in the form of rock carvings, engravings, pictorial imagery, sculptures, and stone arrangements. ” Your an Art Historian? Never. Print. LGBT or GLBT, is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.In use since the 1990s, the term is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which began to replace the term gay in reference to the broader LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s. If you don’t know Michelangelo from Lichtenstein, we can still be friends, I promise! Stereotypes for students earning a liberal arts degree are common, and those for art students are even more so. And remember, if you’re unsure if that’s what you want to completely major in, you can always minor in Art History if you think it’s not “practical” enough or if you have other interests! Also, a lot of pre-formed and often erroneous stereotypes about me and what I study. Also, a lot of pre-formed and often erroneous stereotypes about me and what I study. What they don’t know yet is that we also have to understand philosophy, history, societal norms, politics, ect. ( Log Out /  She is already 92 years old. You learn that you can fall in love with something and dig deep and get good at it.”. What I meant is that there is a bigger return on investment as an undergraduate STEM major. A _______ falcon!”. In addition,  art often reflects the artist’s personal values, opinions, and ideas about the time and place he/she created the art in. Hey, so I personally stuck with Art History because: Recently a known female celebrity went to Wang-od to get a hand-tapped tattoo. Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of the Collection of James M. Caselli and Jonathan Mark Scharer Better change your major to something that you can make a living at.” It makes me so mad when I hear that. However, she said she is keeping her art history major and intends to go to graduate school. Information on Faculty Advisors can be found on the Current Students page; Receiving a minor in History of Art requires five courses (15 credit hours) from … Studio art academic adviser Nell Weatherwax said she encourages students to pursue their passions in art regardless of the discouragement they receive and the stereotypes they hear. Weatherwax said the transference of skills from art classes to other jobs in a student’s future is 
beneficial. Look at the BLS handbook: Engineers have a starting salary close to $60K. Sign up for our Daily Rundown. “It examines the histories of Black women, of people of African descent, of women of all colors. I’m so glad you pursued your degree, do you like being an art librarian? That’s why I study it. I’m looking to major in art history and my parents completely shot down the idea. 4. And I agree- people who simply want you to be a cog in a machine that’s profitable is ridiculous. I’m an art librarian now, and I use my major every day. Sales was the largest field of student employment at 12 percent. Couples wed early (in the late 1950s, the average age of American women at marriage was 20) and at rates that surpassed those of all previous eras and have not been equaled since. Art buyer- purchasing works for people and companies, working within their budget and taste. Im freaking out and time is running out. Students will learn that: 1. I’m not claiming it’s the sausage-fest that engineering is, but dudes are present. 2. It gives me hope and encouragement but still a little worried. I looked through old art books in my teens that my aunt had, with giant prints of paintings and the stories of the artists behind them! I’m majoring in Art History right now and I’m doubting if i should do now. I’m going to end this post with a self-portrait by Ferdinand Hodler, because he’s sort of awesome. English students are all going to end up as teachers. Art History … As of this moment, Wang-Od’s granddaughter is keenly studying her grandma’s technique. If you love Art History but you aren’t sure you want to revolve your life around it, maybe consider a minor in it, so that you can still learn the concepts/ideas, and still be involved, but not feel like your future is monopolized by what can be a very challenging career field. White on Black is a compelling visual history of the development of European and American stereotypes of black people over the last two hundred years. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope I have put to rest some perceptions about Art History majors and what we do. ect. Anthropology, Art, Art History, Cultural Studies, History, Literature, Native American Studies, Painting, Photography, Political Science, Social Studies LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will examine the ideology of manifest destiny as it relates to the art presented. Right put you in the suburbs. Looking at disabled bodies in art history offers significant insight into the various ways in which art can support or subvert the construction and performance of normative values. Along with that, women do have more Art History degrees than men. This has changed. I find this to be ridiculous, because Art History is not easy to understand, and is pretty competitive field, but somehow most of the people with vaginas are deemed somehow unfit for the top-notch positions. After Japan defeated China in 1895, the Japanese … People automatically assume that my parents make bank because I’m an Art History major, as a result of the stereotypes attached to it that it’s useless and for more “flippant” individuals. In a series of increasingly focused courses — lower division, upper division, seminar, and honors program — the majo… I’m so glad that somebody who’s achieved so much with an Art History degree can attest to it’s usefulness! Oh, and I loved the post. Goodness! Just five of the available 16 places were awarded to state school students. Why pursue a Master's in Art History? I am already aware of the tingling sensation of adrenaline that can be brought on good Art History, I will definitely have to check it out! It has so many emotions and connotations attached to it so that everybody can relate to at least one piece of art. “It’s easy to think that the sciences and the STEM career fields are going to be what will most directly affect the world in general, but I think at the same time we can’t forget the humanities, because they really propel human interaction, and I think that’s important too, and we can’t lose sight of that,” sophomore history of art major Amelia 
Berry said. Feedback is awesome! 3. If white people accepted these stereotypes, it became that much easier to deny African Americans the full rights of citizenship. B.A. It’s a worthwhile major, even if people trivialize it because it is not one of the STEM majors. Or, worse, the Art History degree is code for the “MRS” degree. Jobs in the art world offer very high job satisfaction. Art History majors are shallow and very much centered purely on their majors, and if you don’t understand art will scorn/ostracize you. Art history is so full and fresh and alive; it touches on every aspect of living. interpretation. The aim of the study was to determine if gender role stereotypes affects the way that individuals perceive artwork as created by a male or female artist. History of Art covers training and vocational aspects of Art History, providing a wealth of information on the different kinds of courses available on the relationship between, for example, museum and gallery work and academic Art History. I’m so excited for the future with this degree! People who make these kind of disparaging remarks really have no grasp of the world of history at all. “The idea that you become a BFA in sculpting and it is a waste is saying that someone pursuing their passion is a waste,” Weatherwax said. Gray said she doesn’t know exactly what her major will be yet, but she said it will be art-related and coupled with her German major. Art History, or mainly the people who study it, have a notoriously bad reputation. My major isn’t meant to isolate you, it’s meant to branch out your knowledge and increase your love for art. They raised large families. I’m a college freshman and I’m really overwhelmed by all of my study options… I’ve never studied art because I had no teacher, but that’s not an obstacle now. B) It’s something I like working hard at. To me, it feels like these exhibitions are stuck in time,” said Ghaderi, who is an Assistant Professor of Graphic Design in the Department of Art, Art History, and Design. I am up to my ears in debt, but it’s not going to be for nothing. 3 Works of art in the 18th and 19th centuries in Europe and America include Baroque, Rococo, Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Romanticisms. Darts (2006) incorporated contemporary issues into a more meaningful and socially engaged art education. There is a long history of reportage, literature and other forms of media that portrays Japan in a negative light or stereotypes the Japanese. One of the most famous examples is that of the Paleolithic cave pai… Individuals planning to attend are also invited to peruse the 2012 UK Art. Before Japan closed its doors to the outside world in the seventeenth century, European missionaries and traders were perplexed by their inability to contain Japan within existing stereotypes of non-European "savages," rendering Japanese people as a paradox-quasi savages prone to politeness and valor (Littlewood 1996, p3). Also, if you are an Art History major and you want to add any stereotypes or ideas to this, feel free! Keep busting down those stereotypes with well chosen pop culture and art references. Doors for "StereoType" will open at 6 p.m. However, art students and art advisers say it still has many latent skills with it. After the disruption, alienation, and insecurity of the Great Depression and the Second World War, the family became the center of American life. Art from this period relied on the use of natural pigmentsand stone carvings to create representations of objects, animals, and rituals that governed a civilization’s existence. In 2011 25 people from state schools and 38 from independent schools applied for history of art at Cambridge University. Life is seriously so much better when you’re actually doing things that you enjoy. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. “We fall in love with things,” Weatherwax said. Go to this link: The entire reading of "StereoType" will be accompanied an improvised jam session by Kevin Holm-Hudson, associate professor of music theory and guitarist, and will be filmed by art graduate student Natalie Baxter. Nowhere did I claim that art history is lucrative financially. Shaw said “Brick House” examines the complicated history of Black female identity in the United States, including African influences and American stereotypes. Art is a universal value in every culture, regardless of language, race, or sex. I’m not going to an unemployed dreamer living off of other people’s handouts! Noting that even the advertising industry always use gender stereotypes in their advertisements in one way or another as they try to convince their target market to buy their product. Most recently, I worked for a year as a well-paid consultant on a historic house project that blew me away. The Major in History of Art is designed to give students solid grounding in the artistic traditions, practices, and contexts that comprise historical and contemporary visuality. Each work of art depicts a certain stereotype of either European or American culture. It prepares students to do independent research, to evaluate evidence, to create coherent and sustained arguments, and to develop skills in academic writing. This is perpetuated through various forms of media, including movies, cartoons, and television. Thank you so much for your encouragement! Exploring Stereotypes: Multicultural Education Approaches Gude (2007) states that the goal of a multicultural curriculum is to “effectively encounter other points of view in order to question the centrality or normativeness of one’s own point of view” (p. 10). This is a big one. I took an advanced science class once for a requirement… worst experience ever. So far, the government has done nothing to preserve the Kalingas’ ancient tattoo art. Thanks for your great post. Part of a series on Discrimination General forms Age Class (Caste) Physical Disability Education Economic Employment Genetics Hair texture Height Housing Language Looks Race Nationality Rank Religion Sanity Sex Sexual orientation Size Skin color Specific forms Social Acephobia Adultism Amatonormativity Anti-albinism Anti-autism Anti-homelessness Anti-intellectualism Anti-intersex Anti … Just do what you want to in life and you’ll be fulfilled. So when my dad tried to forbid me from majoring in art history, I said, “You can have a say when you cough up some tuition money.” That shut him up. This is one I get a lot. Aiken, Katherine “Superhero History: Using Comic Books to Teach U.S. History.” OAH Magazine of History 24(2) (2010): 41-47. Drawing - Drawing - History of drawing: As an artistic endeavour, drawing is almost as old as humankind. This. We come from all different backgrounds. I’m paying for college with help from my parents. Requirements. While yes, many of my classes are devoted to visually absorbing and gathering knowledge about works, I don’t just look at pretty things. I just graduated with my B.A. I printed out this page and giving it to them. Book Description. Thank you for your comment, I’m so glad you pursued what you love rather than going another route!!! Art itself is life-enhancing and the art world attracts creative and interesting people. There are so many things you can do as an art historian. Not only is art history really interesting, but I think history is one of the most important things that people tend to overlook. “The cool thing is when you dig deeper you’re learning to learn. A) I love it Tells you how much I’m on WordPress. We’ve become a bit of a joke, eyes instantly roll when I tell people what I studied at uni. To declare a minor, students must first meet with a Faculty Advisor within the History of Art Department. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Verbal communication, teamwork and organizational skills are all more important than experience in the field. 3. Art reflects the history of the time, along with the values of the society it was created in. Students will need to consult a number of books as the course covers such a vast subject area. We read research papers, study history, read art theories and literature regarding the understanding of art, and sometimes we even make our own art. is very important.
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