Practice Questions. A question (or answer) related to the introduction will help you complete the work. 9. The train slowly climbed up the mountains. Yet, at the same time it was repressive towards the ... ... had not been for the civil war. The General Secretary and the judges of the International Court of Justice…………… by the General Assembly. Answer 1: The graph shows birth and death rates starting from 1901 till 2101. Discuss the meaning of the phrase “starved before we are hungry” in sentence 2 of paragraph 3. Now, prepare yourself and answer the following quiz below. SentenceEnglish 11AP: Language and Composition Thoreau, excerpt from Walden Questions on Rhetoric and Style 7. And only some places with suitable topographic setting allow dams on the existing rivers. The tip of a human finger controls electric power by pressing switches. The secular polity was fiercely strengthened by Mahatma Gandhi. Within the confines of domestic walls man feels free to act like a merciless male chauvinist. The answer should be complete. Write an application to the Principal complaining about the behaviour of a Teacher. Paragraph 3 begins with a rhetorical question. The scenes all around me were just out the fairy tale book. Most of the developing countries including India are using radio broadcast for long distance education and weather warnings. I saved money for the trip. He truly is wonder boy of India. Essay on “Football match” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. |Score 1|matahari|Points 64002| User: Which sentence contains both an adverb and a conjunction?A. D. purpose. It added variety, colour and richness to native heritage. They are almost all formula films or clever or clumsy imitations of foreign films. Don’t leave any sentence incomplete. The people of remote ares spend most of their spare time in remaining glued……………. 5 The school children run alongside Toy Train coal-fa-arid giggle merrily at the passengers. Finally, I was in the dream toy. It shows how well you have understood a paragraph that you have read or how correctly you have grasped its meaning. 1. The tradition of India has been secular based on co-existence, tolerance, mutual respect and cooperation between all sections of the society and communities. It helps them keep abreast of the times by ears. Use introduction paragraph examples for essays to know how to craft the best introductions. We lost the Father of the Nation to the bullets of a communal minded youth. Without any thought the female foetus is murdered. highest century maker. In all, India remained a shining example of unity in diversity, nowhere else found in the world. He has won so many national and international awards that to enumerate them will take a lot of space. (Find a price that suits your requirements), The Term Paper on Rhetorical Analysis: Pre-writing, Thoreau Civil Disobedience American Government, Successes And Failures Of Civil Rights Movement. 9. ILO, UNCTAD, WHO, UNESCO etc. It simply is a miracle, very real and more bountiful Than ginnie of the Alladin’s wonder lamp. It created wonders of entertainment like cinema, radio, TV, VCD, DVD and other audio-video systems. Weegy: During the prewriting stage, an author will determine paragraph topics. Learning how to identify and analyze rhetorical tools is an important part of the collegiate experience. By Jeff Gillis. Asking yourself specific questions regarding the ... How effectively does the rest of the paragraph answer it? Push to a button brings the light on and the same act sets hundreds of thousands of gadgets in action. Sometimes even the slightest stylistic feature can work effectively as a rhetorical strategy. If you’re a recent college graduate, with almost no work experience, you can still answer the question successfully using these examples.. What paradox does Thoreau develop concerning the railroad in paragraph 2? 7. Hindi Essay on “Bharatiya Sanskriti – Hamari Dharohar”, “भारतीय संस्कृति: हमारी धरोहर” Complete Hindi Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Students. Essay on “A visit to a hill station” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Here you can order a professional work. What ‘Heading’ do you suggest for this paragraph? Essay on “World Environment Day – 5 June” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Note how easily you can form answers in your own words which in meaning are no different from the text sentences yet are structured anew. The storm caused flooding as predicted. The exercise of the comprehension is meant to assess and better the ability of a student to read and comprehend what he reads. But the nuclear waste disposal is very tricky and hazardous. What paradox does Thoreau develop concerning the railroad in paragraph 2? This product is designed for students who struggle with comprehension and auditory memory. So easy right? They remain in touch with news and information. Now-a-days the families do not mind sisters, daughters and wives seeking gainful employment as long as they don’t exercise their right to spend-their earning as they like. Restate the question and answer it with a topic sentence (for a 1-paragraph answer) or a thesis statement (for a multi-paragraph answer). Between which stations the Toy Train runs? Directions: Read the paragraph and answer the questions below. The General Assembly, discusses the reports and gives its approvals, elects General Secretary and the judges of the International court of Justice, admits new members to the Assembly, and also elects the non-permanent members of various councils. India has a tradition of co-existence, tolerance, co-operation and mutual respect between all its social and religious groups. The experience indeed was off unforgettable as the train chugged through lush green and thick Terai forests. India is cinema crazy and Indiana are ever star struck zombies. To what wondrous world the electricity has transformed the human life? 8. Given an input paragraph… The civil war time began the limitation of royal ... glorious revolution. Cool, calm and dignified, he remained in……………………………. In our task formulation, this con-sists of two steps: candidate answer extrac-tion and answer-specific question generation. Don’t add unrelated sentences or expressions. 9. Some even carry their transistors in fields, on bullock carts or while cycling away. What plant is grown on the terraced plantations of Darjeeling? Today it covers more than 5000 colleges all over the country. The General Assembly has now 193 members. It is another way of testing how well you have understood the passage. Paragraph Organization Test Samples Civil Service Exam: Instruction: Choose the best order and sequence of the following sentences to form a well-organized paragraph. Even 60 years after independence the woman of India are still exploited and abused inspite of constitutional guarantees and new laws. And just like that, you’ve conquered one of the most common interview questions that used to plague you in job interviews. Write a brief outline of all the points you want to mention in your answer. So easy right? The developing countries like India are using radio broadcast for long distance education. Isolated 2. Islam came to India with Muslim conquerors. How much time the one-way journey of Toy Train takes from one end to the other? It began with fifty nations as its members but now it has 185 member nations accounting for almost all the countries of entire earth except Switzerland. Question 2. on their radio sets. What paradox does Thoreau develop concerning the railroad in paragraph 2? Reconstruction in rural and slum areas, repair of roads, school buildings, tanks, village ponds, tree plantation, environment protection, health and family planning, adult education and rendering help during natural calamities. The passage or questions may also test your vocabulary and reading skills. Expenses on education is reduced by co-education as boys and girls share the same facilities and staff. What price India paid for its lapse in secularism? Provide examples of … 11. What do school children do when they see the Toy Train? What paradox does Thoreau develop concerning the railroad in paragraph 2? How would you answer the question? It usually the final thought or conclusion and marks the end of the article, paragraph or story. with good effect. A way to conclude the paragraph so the reader knows what the paragraph was about. In the very debut series, he made people take note of him. And what does it mean–you’ll die? In a paragraph, explain how the writing associated with the Lost Generation reflected the new emphasis on consumerism in American culture. Most of the Indian movies are made in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. Sometimes the answers need to be written in the student’s own words, although not very different from t’ Le given text, only a little adjustment to have the sentence grammatically and meaning-wise correct. 8. There were fascinating hills, waterfalls and woolly clouds almost touching the ground. If the subject is alien, do the slow reading twice or thrice. 10. Possible Answer#1 … A. Compare the probable rhetorical effect of paragraph 4 at the time it was written (1854—pre-Civil War, pre-technological communication) with its effect today. Get to the part of the paragraph that contains the answer. What does a man consider himself compared to a woman? The people listen to current affairs, discussions, educative talks, news, songs, dramas, lectures, weather forecast, addresses to the nation by the president or prime minister, devotional music etc. Very little aesthetic appeal is there and in no way convincing. Discuss the meaning of the phrase “starved before we are hungry” in sentence 2 of paragraph 3. It’s only 8 marks so I probably over-wrote a little: When you do your piece, aim for 2 rather than 3 full paragraphs. are the…………… of the UNO. India has been the most shining example of ‘Unity in Diversity’ in the whole world. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; Discuss the meaning of the phrase “starved before we are hungry” in sentence 2 of paragraph 3. 4. Films are our staple diet and ‘Bollywood` is a magic word. The males of the family decide how to spend the earning bf the working female. It should cover all parts of the query. What is the effect of the alliterative7. It is a matter of real concern. Electricity is the life force of modern world. The answers are contained in the passage. Christianity, Islam, Zorastrianism and Jewish faiths came to India from the foreign lands. In his long cricketing career Sachin crossed ………………………………and accumulated……………………………. The girls are at their finest in the company of boys. The male domination in the family and gross violation of woman’s right are creating imbalances in the families in India. Hindi Essay on “Hamari Pariksha Pranali me Nakal ki Samasya ”, “हमारी परीक्षा प्रणाली में नकल की समस्या” Complete Hindi Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Students. How effectively does the rest of the paragraph answer it? The doubly burdened women when protest or complain the men ignore them or react violently which results in the growing tensions in relationships. How effectively does the rest of the paragraph answer it? Co-education started in India during independence struggle as a part of the modern-education feature. For a long time he was the scourge of the bowlers of the world. What part of the human body controls the power of electricity? The answer should be complete. '//' + cx; A healthy competition gets generated. The life comes to a standstill if power goes off in a modern city. The rural folk through broadcast learn about improved seeds, manures, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation systems and implements for water and energy conservation. He continued to be soft spoken, affable Sachin, a familiar face to all Indians. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Previous Year Solved Question Paper of “Automotive- Code 804” for Class 12 NSQF Vocational, CBSE Session 2019-2020. From the very childhood the girls are mentally conditioned to let the males do the thinking for her and accept their decisions. succeeded 2. as its members 3. the General Assembly 4. are elected 5. specialized agencies. 11. The radio has enabled the farmers to grow three or four crops a year by listening to Kisan broadcast. Separate schools for boys and girls still exist in rural and backward areas. Even educated woman of urban areas why is gainfully employed does not use her rights for fear of antagonizing her husband. The Indian youth are blamed for impatience, indiscipline, irreverence to seniors and disrespect to rules and authority. Students, fishermen, farmers and soldiers benefit most from the broadcast. One day I was on the train to Jalpaiguri from Delhi. for the sponsors. Write a letter to the Principal applying for a Character Certificate, formal Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations. Broadcasts over radio have benefitted students, teachers, panchayat people, farmers, fishermen and soldier’s stations in forward posts. A developing country like India, always short of funds, requires maximum value of budget to afford universal and compulsory education. The youth in company always talk of movies, latest flicks, the performances and styles of actors. They must understand each other better and grow healthy behaviour. Paragraph Organization Test Samples Civil Service Exam: Instruction: Choose the best order and sequence of the following sentences to form a well-organized paragraph. How I wished more of the toy Train! The adolescent teenagers imitate the fashions, styles and mannerisms of their favourite actors. He captained the Indian team for some time but it affected his batting. The hydel power has limitations because no new rivers can be created by human endeavor. What is the effect of the alliterative 7. At practical level law fails to protect a woman’s human rights. An open finale: It is one of the fascinating ways to complete an … Solved Question Paper 2020 of Information Technology (402) Class X CBSE Board Question Paper of Vocational IT NSQF 402 Code. Essay on “A Hockey Match” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. The plus point of the nuclear power generation is it is totally pollution free. Can you think of any examples of when you used these skills successfully? The electricity revolutionized our houses, drawing rooms and kitchen with useful implements. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 10 Comprehension Passages Practice examples with Question and Answers for Class 9, 10, 12 and Bachelors Classes. What scheme was introduced to involve students in social service and developmental activities? Three nearly different religions branched out of it, namely, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism having separate places of worship and holy books. A GOOD ANSWER Often starts with a direct answer to the question Pre-outlines the topics in order Starts with one of the reasons Transition Specifics given Phrase added here to show relevance of the point to the question Identifying a major institution of the time which was a … Use double spacing and one inch margins. Read The Number Of Lines (n) As An Integer From The User. After reading the above paragraph complete the following sentences. Published on April 18, 2019 by Shona McCombes. Himself a deeply religious Hindu, he had great respect for all other religions and faiths. The young folk are too immature to make a distinction between movie stunts and genuine adventures. Signal words that help organize a paragraph, using time order or listing order. The entire train journey took six ours but the time flew as fast as it does in a dream, years and days compressed into a few seconds-minutes. Before being selected for the national scene he had displayed his talent in domestic cricket at state and junior levels. Choose the most logical order of the sentences from among the four given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. The other organs are answerable to the General Assembly through annual and special reports. What do generally youth talk about when together? What negative attitudes the cheap films inspire youth into? 'https:' : 'http:') + By learning that the answers to some questions are "Right There" in the text, that some answers require a reader to "Think and Search," and that some answers can only be answered "On My Own," students recognize that they must first consider the question before developing an answer. The world body’s chief deliberate organ is……………. She has to toil alone like a slave. Sachin shines…………………………….in the……………………………. After all, who knows you better than…You? Question: Paragraph Styles Write A C Program Which Prints The Numbers On The Screen As In The Following Examples. In the west, Switzerland was the first country to introduce co-education. The people in the remote areas hear news on their radio or transistor sets. C. purpose. 3 Task Definition Our goal is to harvest high quality question-answer pairs from the paragraphs of an article of interest. In his private life he remained cool, calm and dignified. • questions requiring a written short answer (25 questions) • questions requiring a written explanation (35 questions) In the writing component, students are asked to complete four writing tasks: •a summary •a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion •a news report • an information paragraph 2 It’s important to spend some time assessing and refining your question … Writing such a paragraph can appear intimidating but when you have a good example, the process becomes easy. Discuss the meaning of the phrase “starved before we are hungry” in sentence 2 of paragraph 3. The situation is worse in rural areas. This creates a rhetorical effect, which lies in providing the answer that readers might expect to be given by a writer. The indiscipline is also likely to lessen as it is observed that boys behave decently in the presence of girls. Conventional atomic energy clearly is the best pollution free option but it entails the tricky problem of atomic waste disposal. What happens when the electricity is cut off in the modern day city? What trees are commonly seen along the Toy Train track? This handout emphasizes several tools which can aid in the analysis of rhetoric in an effective, well-organized paper. Here you can order a professional work. D. questions to answer. Cheap movies prove commercial success and good artistic films don’t find distributors and spectators. Decide if you need to write a 1-paragraph or a multi-paragraph answer. Gers are easy to take down and put up. Secularism is the very soul of Indian society and the democracy. Now-a-days co-education is common in big towns and cities, especially in colleges and training institutions. Youth hostels are set up to encourage students to set out on educational tours and visit the places of historic or cultural importance. It should teach us a lesson that only secular spirit will keep India going. Today the radio sets are very cheap and transistors are so handy that they have caught the fancy of everyone men, women and children. Paragraph 3 begins with a rhetorical question. WHO, for example, plans step to achieve the highest possible level of good health of the entire human population of the earth. Interrogative sentences allow you to gather information and clear up confusion as well as engage in interesting conversations with others. Zero in on the relevant sentence or sentences. For husbands doing household work is below their dignity and as far as the women are concerned it is their natural duty. In this passage, the writer asks the question and immediately explains. Circle all the keywords in the question. You can frame a Q&A article in many ways such as “Top 10 Questions about Body-Building” or “Frequently Asked Questions about Mortgage Financing.” The research on hydrogen as fuel and controlled fusion process are going on at feverish pitch. The huge terraced tea plantations all along the track presented a thrilling picture that wetted the eyes. Although the people of our country are deeply religious yet they don’t harbour any ill will or intolerance against other faiths. It is sure to bring down sex crimes and violent behaviours. One paragraph per question. In 1945, The League of Nations was…………… by the United Nations Organization. Essay on “Concept of A Welfare State” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Answer the following questions related to the above passage: Ever since I saw a programme on ‘Heritage Toy Train of Darjeeling’ I was seized with a wish to enjoy a ride on it. Answer in paragraph form using 5-7 complete sentences. The array of entertainment aids powered by electricity really created a fancy world around us. The success never went to his head. Solved examples with detailed answer description, explanation are given and it would be easy to understand. While the individual rule would work well for Thoreau who ... ... many essays and poems. There now co-education is prevalent in all institutions and at all levels. What you’re doing, essentially, is using a limited amount of time and knowledge to really answer a question. The integrated essay requires you to write an essay comparing an article and a lecture on the same topic. The most negative effect of Civil Rights movement was introduction of ... multicultural. The Bollywood products show criminalization, sex and violence blatantly. And unwittingly film actors become a part of mafia operations which exposes them to blackmails and threats. It sounds obvious, but a good essay should have the title or question as its focus the whole way through. However, besides the essay "Civil Disobedience," Thoreau would probably never have become a classic writer if ... immediate popularity, but it has stood the test of time, gaining status as a classic novel, well worth being ... ... complete the questions on the Emerson Questions page. })(); The literal meaning of ‘Comprehension’ is understanding. Then write them down in answer form in your own words. Solar energy is yet costly to harness. A desirable companionship refinement and good manners result. Free Samples and Examples of Essays, Homeworks and any Papers, Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: rhetoric, Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. Besides crimes the movies contribute to the increasing lawlessness, indiscipline and unrest among youth. to give us ……………………………. What the developing countries are using broadcasts for? Do not use outside (internet) sources. Give some background on the subjects you're going to compare. You do not need to comment on other posts. gcse.src = (document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? For the independent essay, you’ll give your personal opinion on a single topic (often related to education, work, life choices, technology and society). The birth of female child is considered a curse in most parts of our country. Asking yourself specific questions regarding the effect of rhetorical tools you encounter is a good place ... a paragraph of rhetorical analysis: Example: In the passage, Elizabeth refers to herself no fewer than seven times. To ascend the mountain heights the Toy Train ran on zig-zag track. For this purpose, National Service Scheme (NSS) was introduced in 1969. It only began in the pre-independence period when education movements started as a part of the freedom effort: It was realised that co-education was a part of the modern education which reduced gender biases. Urbanities know little about the…………..role radio broadcast are playing in…………….and…………areas in transforming them. A working woman brings home tidy salary to add to the family income but she cannot hope of any help from her husband in doing domestic chores. What is the effect of the alliterative 7. You can frame a Q&A article in many ways such as “Top 10 Questions about Body-Building” or “Frequently Asked Questions about Mortgage Financing.” The question–answer relationship (QAR) strategy helps students understand the different types of questions. Fillers – 1. Paris came to India in 8th century to escape from religious persecution in Iran. There are Economic and Social Council, The Trusteeship council besides the International Court, General Assembly and the Security Council. Sometimes even the slightest stylistic feature can work effectively as a rhetorical strategy. For example, let us see the following paragraph: The women are still exploited and abused despite rights and privileges granted by law to the women. A large number of natives turned Muslims over the period and presently they make the second largest community of our nation. Even the computers won’t work any wonders without the electricity. Required fields are marked *. Paragraph 3 begins with a rhetorical question. 11. It instills in them the spirit of social service and the sense of responsibility. It usually the final thought or conclusion and marks the end of the article, paragraph or story. Jews sailed to India 2000 year ago to settle down in Mumbai, Pune, Kochi and Delhi. Sachin is the most admired and adulated cricketer of …………………………….. In backward and rural areas there still are separate schools for boys and girls. Read the paragraph in one glance and see if it makes any sense to you. Outline the main question regarding the two subjects, so you'll answer it with the thesis statement and the arguments that follow. The tribal youth are given vocational training under a special scheme to enable them to become self-employed. That will help them make better adjustments later as life partners. It only requires a bit of intelligence to identify the sentence or sentences that form the answer of a particular question. The realities of life are totally absent and are devoid of art-orientation. The General Secretary functions through U.N. Secretariat. Inspite of the large output our films lack in quality and content. Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar is India’s and probably world’s most admired and celebrated cricketer. Computer Science “Python” Code 083 Class 12, new Curriculum, Syllabus for the Academic Year 2019-20. Through broadcast what do farmers learn about? He presides over the General Assembly meetings and those of other organs of U.N. In the TOEFL writing section, there are two essay questions. The post Answer in paragraph form using 5-7 complete sentences. The most of them are Hindi, Tamil and Telugu movies. Compare the probable rhetorical effect of paragraph 4 at the time it was written (1854—pre-Civil War, pre-technological communication) with its effect today. What works are undertaken under this scheme? 10. What is the effect of the alliterative 7. He has an enable fan following as large as that of rock stars or great movie stars. When young people get together they only talk about films, latest releases, the roles and styles of their actors and film songs. Sometimes even the slightest stylistic feature can work effectively as a rhetorical strategy. Although the introductory paragraph forms a very importance part of an essay, it is the most troublesome to write. Discuss how the French Revolution influenced the Haitian Revolution. Christianity had preceded Islam to India. Is the situations of women good in rural areas? 1. They study hard and excel in other fields of activities to showcase their talents and capabilities. The mist filled valleys and hills lent a dreamy touch to the journey. The strength of a company’s ethical culture lies in the extent to which the organization makes doing the right thing a priority. Many raw youth mistake the movie stunts for real and try to copy them resulting in tragic mishaps. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to allow you to play a friendly match. Man considers himself superior to a woman and her lord and master. But you will make better impression answering it in your own words in compact and neat language. The very sight of the Toy Train excited me and my eyes sparkled. They brought Zoroastrianism. In these type of questions, you spot certain things or points that have been discussed in a given paragraph. English Essay on “Family Planning” complete Paragraph and Speech 300 Words for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation Classes. The immature youth are misled by cheap movie romance and silly adventures. It is a known fact that mafia invests its black money earned through smuggling, drug trafficking, extortion, blackmail, contract killing, arms running, prostitution, gambling rackets and protection in financing movie production. Largely accurate advance weather forecast have proved a boon to the people engaged in agriculture. formal Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations. Read the first question and understand what it wants to know. Infect, all the manmade machines or gadgets wholly or partly run on electricity. A great power became the slave of a human finger’s push. Privileges of women in India the co-education has not been... all Papers are research. 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