It was also assumed, by really stupid people, that … Apr 12, 2019 - Explore Indira Rix's board "Pantoran Star Wars" on Pinterest. Pantora hide. Papanoida, Notluwiski Le Baron Notluwiski Papanoida était le Président de Pantora pendant la Guerre des clones après la mort de Chi Cho. 1,325 Pages. Lieux importants Région Affiliation The moon Pantora was located in the Pantora system. Secteur See more ideas about star wars, star wars characters, star wars rpg. 14-feb-2018 - Explora el tablero de Yoalli Ehecatl "star wars pantoran" en Pinterest. . Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. The natives of Pantora, the Pantorans, took pride in their world's democratic structures and heritage, as well as its strong support of the Republic. The Pantoran assembly asked that the Galatic Republic establish a base on the Snowy planet of Orto … Something went wrong. Pantora était la lune principale orbitant autour de la planète Orto Plutonia, située dans la Bordure Extérieure. [1], C'était le monde d'origine des Pantoriens comme Riyo Chuchi, sénatrice du secteur au Sénat Galactique pendant la Guerre des Clones et le gouverneur Papanoida dirigeant son peuple durant la même période. During the Clone Wars, Riyo Chuchi represented Pantora in the Senate while Baron Papanoida serveed as the Chairman of Pantora … Pantoran[2] no comments yet. I will protect you, the Republic will!" Used condition, sold "as is". Native species Capitale de Pantora[4] Characters. Wikis. 17 year old Iona Née is finished with her year of schooling and is finally on her break. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. People of Pantora do not fear these Grysk for now. The Pantora system, was a star system located in the Sujimis sector of the galaxy's Outer Rim. Government 0 comments. Star Wars x Pandora Collection Prepare to travel the galaxy with the Pandora x Star Wars ™️ collaboration starting this October! [2], Pantora renounced its claim to Orto Plutonia after the discovery of the Talz and the subsequent conflict. The 703rd are a notable Clone Legion involved in the issue. Art. Region(s) Breaking Down Star Wars: The Clone Wars Legacy. This event led to to Chi Cho's removal from office and death. Star Wars: Rebellion: Pantora Lune d'Orto Plutonia Bordure extérieure — Pantoriens: Série The Clone Wars: Parnassos Planète tellurique: Localisation inconnue Rocheux, quelques océans Humains Phasma: Planète d'origine du capitaine Phasma: Pasaana Planète-désert: Zone d'expansion Déserts Aki Aki Épisode IX: Également appelée "le désert interdit". Marshes[3] Respirable[3] She just arrived on Coruscant to stay with her mother, a Senator and member of the Republic Senate. Star Wars x Pandora Collection Choose your starship crew! 100% Upvoted. share. You can help The Clone Wars Wiki by expanding it. Set a … best. Pantora system[2] Primary terrain [Source] Marais[3] Games Movies TV Video. Ver más ideas sobre star wars personajes, guerra de las galaxias, heroe. Biography. This category is for museums, schools, and universities on Pantora. Today, Pandora announces its collaboration with Lucasfilm to launch a capsule collection of Star Wars ™️ inspired jewellery. When push comes to shove, … Espèces principales This highly anticipated collection will debut globally on the 1st October 2020. Sector The Battle of Pantora was a battle that took place in or after 22 BBY during the Clone Wars. Add new page. Affiliation View cart for details. Durant la Guerre des Clones, Chi Cho dirigeait l'assemblée de Pantora, et fut plus tard remplacée par Papanoida. It was a member of the Galactic Republic. Pantora was the primary moon in orbit around Orto Plutonia, in the Pantora System, located in the Sujimis Sector of the Outer Rim. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Pantora; Brentaal IV; Dantooine; Salaucami; Kids of Senators; Young Adults; Republic Senate - Freeform; Senate Office Building; Senate Building; Coruscant (Star Wars) Teenagers; Summary. Pantora était la lune de la planète Orto Plutonia dans le secteur Sujimis des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure. Riyo Chuchi was a female Pantoran Politician from the Moon of Pantora that orbited the planet of Orto Plutonia. Sib Canay était un administrateur Neimoidien qui supervisa le blocus de Pantora pour la Confédération des Systèmes Indépendants au cours de la Guerre des Clones. System The amount of detail in Galaxy’s Edge is second to none. report. During the Clone Wars, Riyo Chuchi represented Pantora in the Senate while Baron Papanoida serveed as the Chairman of Pantora after succeeding Chi Cho. Pantora was a planet in the Outer Rim and home to the blue-skinned Pantorans. This article is a stub. During the Clone Wars, Riyo Chuchi served as senator of Pantora. The Chosen One . Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. [2], * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Pantora renounced its claim to Orto Plutonia after the discovery of the Talz and the subsequent conflict. Pantora was a planet in the Galactic Republic. Pantora was a member of the Galactic Republic and therefore represented in the Galactic Senate. Style your ideal constellation of iconic charms and Keep the Force close. Caractéristiques physiques Objective: Fight the big woman Location: Pantora surface Engaging: [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"] “That’s an awfully big pike you’ve got there, Miss. We will say, if you’ve never seen Star Wars, Pandora is likely the more visually impressive land. Sort by. Neo Conceptual Art. But if you’ve spent the last 40 years wanting to lay eyes on the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy, your jaw will drop upon your first look. However, Cho was killed during an incident on the planet Orto Plutonia which became independent from Pantoran rule about that time. Planet Paysages [4], When Pantora was blockaded by the Trade Federation, Chuchi and Papanoida worked with Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano to prevent their homeworld from joining the Confederacy of Independent Systems.[3]. Située dans la lointaine et dangereuse Bordure Extérieure, Pantora était une lune habitable de la planète Orto Plutonia. Voyage vers Star Wars : Le Réveil de la Force, Voyage vers Star Wars : Les Derniers Jedi, Voyage vers Star Wars : L'Ascension de Skywalker, Star Wars: Dark Vador: Seigneur Noir des Sith, The Untold Clone Wars Panel - Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, Mod LINK: During the early Clone Wars, Pantora was represented by Senator Riyo Chuchi and Chairman Chi Cho. Système Pantora[2] Contemporary Art. Breathable[3] Pantoran Assembly[4]Chairman[2] Pantorans are a humanoid species with blue skin and faces adorned with yellow markings. Outer Rim Territories[1] Pantora; Pantora. The Skirmish on Pantora was a skirmish on the Outer Rim planet of Pantora during the Clone Wars. History Despite its membership in the Republic and representation it the Galactic Senate, nobody had ever heard of the place until the Clone Wars started. C'était le monde d'origine des Pantoriens comme Riyo Chuchi, sénatrice du secteur au Sénat Galactique pendant la Guerre des Clones et le gouverneur Papanoida dirigeant son peuple durant la même période. This event led to to Chi Cho's removal from office and death. [Source], Pantora was the primary moon in orbit around the planet Orto Plutonia,[5] in the Pantora system, located in the Sujimis sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Astrographical information FANDOM. Pantora Pantora was a member of the Galactic Republic and therefore represented in the Galactic Senate. When it was discovered, people kind of went crazy about it, assuming that it was some great paradise. Orto Plutonia[2] Pipada Planète … Atmosphere Keep the Force close and collect jewelry from the Star Wars x Pandora collection, inspired by the iconic movies and full of details Star Wars™ fans will love. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? All pieces in the collection are crafted with sustainability as our priority, from 71% recycled material, as Pandora strives towards its recently confirmed commitment to using 100% sustainable silver and gold by 2025. Be the first to share what you think! Lunes [1] It was the homeworld of the Pantorans, who were led by the Pantoran Assembly[4] and the Chairman of Pantora, a post held by Chi Cho, who was later replaced by Baron Papanoida. Whether you were on the side that truly respected Star Wars: The Clone Wars or the side that didn’t favor it, no one can deny the impact it had following Star Wars… Article from Description des mises à jour. Secteur Sujimis[1] Major cities save. Those floating mountains are true Disney magic. Assemblée Pantorienne[5] Early times as a senator. The situation wasn’t looking great for Yula—not only did her opponent far outclass her in size, she had a weapon that … Societal information Système Le système Pantorien fait partie de la République Galactique et possède un siège au Sénat sur Coruscant. Must be happy to see me.” The Zeltron grinned broadly and waggled her eyebrows. How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, The Untold Clone Wars Panel - Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, Star Wars Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu, Dec 19, 2016 - pantora-by-jackson-sze-star-wars-dark-disciple01.jpg (1920×957) Explore. Pantoriens[2] Alternative Star Wars Saga. Sujimis sector[1] Physical information Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure[1] As a result of this choice, the Pantoran Assembly split into three factions: the Appeasers, who wanted Pantora to join the Empire in the name of safety and economic security; the traditional Republicans, who … Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Lune d'Orto Plutonia[2] Star Wars: The Clone Wars [S01E15 - Intrusión][Audio Latino] Ver Capitulo: Située dans la lointaine et dangereuse Bordure Extérieure, Pantora était une lune habitable d'Orto Plutonia qui abritait notamment le … Galactic Republic[2] Star Wars Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma. Schrödinger's Canon: According to the pseudo-canon Endless Vigil sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, after the rise of the Empire, Pantora became isolationist. Caractéristiques cartographiques Posted by … C'est un monde influent, capable de demander et recevoir un avant-poste de la République dans son système comme mesure de protection ce qui fut le cas contre les Séparatistes pendant la Guerres des Clones sur la planète Orto Plutonia. Register Start a Wiki. Pantora was the principal moon of the Pantora system, orbiting the ice planet Orto Plutonia. Pantora était la lune de la planète Orto Plutonia[2] dans le secteur Sujimis des Territoires de la Bordure Extérieure. Capital city[5] News du 24 Novembre 2018-- Commerce : Améliorations pour blasters : Ajout de 1 nouveau(x) article(s) (Module de pénétration).Armes : Ajout de 1 nouveau(x) article(s) (Missile à concussion diamant boron).Armes de Corps à Corps : Ajout de 2 nouveau(x) article(s) (Bâton paralysant, Gants de shockboxing).Armes Lourdes : Ajout de 12 nouveau(x) … He was replaced by Chairman Papanoida. View Entire Discussion (0 Comments) More posts from the StarWarsSenateSim community . Atmosphère Day One (First appearance) 2. Caractéristiques sociétales Also Riyo Chuchi served as a senator and represented the Pantorans in the Galatic Senate of the Republic during the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars, Riyo Chuchi served as senator of Pantora.
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