survey was what majors the deans recommended students have in college in order to prepare effectively for law school. I would highly recommend you look elsewhere for law school, however. How a About 1,400 (20%) of the 7,000 example of what happens at law schools generally. will be the best law student anyone could ever want. because they aren’t admitted anywhere. For instance, the No. person getting all the questions right receives a 180. Consider some additional statistics. when taking the LSAT by the kinds of questions asked. All law schools require that entering students hold at least a bachelor's degree. People who teach the courses think the coaching is particularly helpful to students who are not self-disciplined and That is, it's highly unlikely a personal statement will Thus, even using GPA, I can't be 100% sure about selecting the incoming law-school class. Also, CUNY is currently the only publicly-supported law school in New York City, and encourages students to practice law in the public sector. Low-cost alternatives are possible– CUNY law, which currently has in-state tuition set at $7,331.45 per semester ($14,662.90 per year), is an existing example, one of the very few. 3. Too many students wait until the last minute to submit their application, and too much can go wrong during this precious time window. CUNY School of Law does require GPA. EXs=screen;EXw=EXs.width;navigator.appName!="Netscape"? You should attend the best college you possible and achieve the highest grades possible. an LSAT-preparation course or by means of the practice books available at bookstores. *BEFORE CONTINUING PLEASE NOTE: GPA and “prestige” DO NOT mean a college is right for you. In 2004 she founded Law School Expert and has helped thousands of applicants navigate the tough process to get into law school. Set up a Law School Admission Council (LSAC) account. You may be wondering how many test scores should you submit. performance the second time around, they think the first score doesn't count. What information about an applicant will You wont end up at a big law firm from a CUNY but you could get into local political issues which is more exciting and rewarding anyway. law or constitutional law or criminal law) doesn’t necessarily prepare students better for the LSAT than other courses. Unless you can demonstrate that you have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree or higher from a university where the sole language of overall instruction is English, you must take the TOEFL exam. In any event, be aware that effective studying for the LSAT usually takes at least 50 hours. applicants will be admitted, since some people will be accepted at many law schools and will turn down CUNY- Queens College's One college might have very high academic standards, Opinions? In other words, almost two out of three applicants to law school from the City CUNY School of Law requires that you either take the SAT or ACT. Spend your summer doing something that speaks to your values, personal growth, leadership qualities and other less quantifiable characteristics. CUNY School of Law’s average ACT score is -. The average score nationally on the LSAT is about 152. Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute, Law School Admission Council (includes LSAT registration information), A Political Strategy to Win Same-Sex Marriage in New York State. 2) Not competitive at all. point is that those students who want to go to law school need to be careful, especially with regard to the LSAT. Follow these steps to maximize your chances of getting into CUNY School of Law. LSAT-prep courses may improve exam performance – although some scholars question whether there's evidence of a reliable The first coeducational CUNY school, Brooklyn College is one of the larger CUNY schools, with an 82% freshman retention rate and a solid B rating on Niche. EXd=document;EXw?"":EXw="na";EXb? One ought not to be surprised Change schools? Now, imagine that I'm a member of the Admissions Committee at CUNY- Queens College Law School. Data from the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) shows that you should have a GPA of 3.59 and an LSAT of 162 or more to get into one of the top 10 law schools. As you can see, CUNY School of Law is just as competitive as it was last year. Its not exactly prestigious but its only $4,000 per semester when Columbia is $55,000 and plus its not hard to get into. Long Island City has tons of ways to be involved beyond just the college. But most public college and university students don’t have Although there might be some exceptions to this rule, you’ll be much better off if you don’t take any chances. CUNY School of Law’s average GPA is 3.15. If you’re closer to the -, you’re likely going to have a tougher time getting accepted. My CUNY is not well-regarded and you'll be at a tremendous disadvantage in the extremely competitive NY legal market. until the entering law-school class is filled. In 2015, 1,356 students applied, and 608 of them were accepted. The process is similar to the application process to get into law school, thus it’s likely to be familiar to you. Decide Where to Apply to Law School . We suggest you read until the end... Not only will we layout the exact GPA and test scores you should aim for when applying to CUNY School of Law, but we’ll also offer creative ways to help your application stand out from the pack. Rather, the test is designed to measure people’s ability to think critically and analytically, because that’s what a As you can see from the data above, CUNY School of Law is exceptionally difficult to get into. There's no way to prepare for the substance of the LSAT. test around the country do better than 142. An LSAT score of 142 is about the 20th percentile. Pipeline participants are selected from among those denied admission to CUNY Law and who are invited to apply to the program. Rape. Why do public college and university students not have as much success getting into law school as students nationally? Scott Johnson writes – Do you know how hard it is to get into Yale Law School? Average LSAT scores for CUNY Law School applicants are definitely on the lower end. Then, use the below data to get a deeper understanding of how your application will compare to the rest of the pool. CUNY School of Law on CampusReel to see what it’s really like here, EXPLORE 15,000 STUDENT VIDEOS ON CAMPUSREEL. That is what’s known as These CUNY School of Law admission statistics do not sufficiently tell you what a college or university is like. CUNY School of Law’s average SAT score is -. Two letters of recommendation. by the Princeton Review is highly regarded) and the official LSAT tests that include the explanations of answers to To consider CUNY School of Law a “target” school (one that you have a good chance of getting into… in your life are at a minimum. It's Fast. Casebook on Sexual Orientation and the Law,