The National Bereavement Partnership provides a support helpline, counselling referral and befriending service for all those suffering from bereavement, grief, living loss, mental health issues, and … Are there online options? Today we are proud to support anyone working in education, at any level and in any institution. mental health and wellbeing support to all education staff. Who will I be talking to? We also offer debt counselling and emergency grants. Education Support Partnership provide independent, confidential support… Education. It includes a stress test, helpline, information and advice. Email: [email protected] Registered Charity … Reading Time: < 1 minute This is just a bit of Back to School Fun. Education Support Partnership Description: Education Support Partnership bringing together Teacher Support Network, Recourse and Worklife Support. 08000 562 561 . OC378964. Topics: Arthritis Society, infoline, questions, toll-free, Email UK-wide: 08000 562 561 day or night After breaking down in tears, she turned to our helpline for support. For my birthday this year, I'm asking for donations to Education Support Partnership. Helpline services are free and confidential. The number of education staff calling a counselling helpline for emotional support has risen by over a quarter to a new record high. Why the Helpline. If you need counselling, you’ll be speaking to one of our British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) accredited counsellors. If we are serious about Children’s Mental Health, we must also take action to support those who teach, guide and inspire children argues Faye McGuinness, our Director of Programmes. Education Support Partnership Service Type: Helplines Website: Education Support Partnership Helpline Age groups: 18 - 25 years; 26 - 39 years; 40 - 54 years; 55 - 59 years; 60 - 64 years; 65 - 84 years; 85+ years; Charity number: 1161436 Coping strategies should be simple, reasonable, positive, and accessible. Helplines Partnership is the membership body for organisations that provide helpline services in the UK and internationally. 1-800-321-1433. Txt: 07909 341229 (answered within 24 hours). Published: 16 th October, 2017. Yes. EDUCATION SUPPORT PARTNERSHIP. ACE Education continues some of the work of The Advisory Centre for Education. The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity is an integrated health and education service offering a unique lifespan – strength based service, for the 1 in 5 people who live with ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia and Tourette’s syndrome. Their helpline is free and available to all teachers, lecturers and staff in education (primary, secondary, further or higher education… Important - If you need to find out your NHS number, please try not to ring the practice. Partnership Education Ltd Cranfield Innovation Centre University Way, Cranfield Technology Park Cranfield, BEDS MK43 0BT. It is the responsibility of each user to … and have a confidential Helpline for parents and young people. Find out more about Helplines Partnership Membership and the Helplines Standard. Please … According to our annual Teacher Wellbeing Index, more UK teachers than ever are experiencing symptoms that can lead to depression and anxiety. You can talk to an advisor through our live chat or email services. Helpline Center Network of Care. We have an alternative number for callers who don't have access to 08000 numbers. The Education Support helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Education Support Helpline. 2. Helpline. A member of our friendly support team will find out why you are calling and choose the best person for you to speak to. The ESFA brings together the former responsibilities of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Skills Funding Agency (SFA) to create a single agency accountable for funding education … Their helpline number is 08000 562 … Any member who has concerns or is experiencing sexual harassment can call 0800 138 8724 in confidence, free of charge and 24/7 to talk about their experience, discuss options, receive counselling (if clinically appropriate) and details of further sources of support, if necessary. Our caring, trained Specialists will help you understand the treatment system and your options. Description. Your NHS Number can be found: on any letter you have ever had from the practice or from hospital on t... Find out more Dismiss Close. More education staff are turning to us for support. The helpline provides free and confidential information, support, coaching, BACP accredited counsellors, advice on Education Support’s in-house grants programme, and help to find other services or long-term treatment. The number of education staff calling a counselling helpline for emotional support has risen by over a quarter to a new record high. deal with your call personally and offer emotional support straight away, transfer you to one of our trained and accredited counsellors for counselling, connect you to one of our other services such as grants or information, assist with referral for long term treatment (for example, to your GP), there’s a risk to your own health and safety, or to that of others; or. Contact our trained staff and volunteers, toll-free, to find answers to your arthritis questions. Education Support Helpline. You have questions: the Arthritis Society has answers. Down's Syndrome Association - information, support and advice related to Down’s syndrome. Find Educations Support Partnership Helpline in London, W5. Teacher Support Cymru. We champion good mental health and wellbeing of … Important - If you need to find out your NHS number, please try not to ring the practice. Victoria, Head of Geography in a secondary school, was stressed and anxious due to a relentless workload and unreasonable expectations. Search for local Charitable & … mental health and wellbeing support to all education staff. Workload emerges as teachers' biggest complaint in calls to Education Support Partnership's … As the UK’s only charity committed to improving the mental health and wellbeing of everyone working in education, we understand the impact that the intense and demanding nature of the work has on your team me… Helplines Partnership’s recommendations: Staff are given training on how to respond to challenging calls. Also offer debt counselling and emergency grants. Education Support is the only UK charity dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of education staff in schools, colleges and universities. Will you help me find treatment for my child? Teacher Wellbeing Index. Contact our trained staff and volunteers, toll-free, to find answers to your arthritis questions. Education Agencies which provide information and support. Depending on your needs they might: What does it cost to call? education support partnership Read more. Signpost callers to organisations that can offer support (this will free up your time and also give the caller the specialist or emotional support they need without limitations). What services do you offer over the phone? Find a Helpline allows you to find organisations that you can contact via phone, email, text or online quickly and easily. Skip to main content. Find out more about Helplines Partnership Membership and the Helplines Standard. If you are anxious about going back to school, contact Education Support Partnership, the UK’s only charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to all education staff and organisations. Find a Helpline allows you to find organisations that you can contact via phone, email, text or online quickly and easily. Recent statistics for the helpline Counsellors at the Education Support Partnership dealt with 9,615 cases between April last year and March this year – a 28 per cent rise on the 7,507 calls dealt with in 2016-17. education support partnership in a sentence - Use "education support partnership" in a sentence 1. "' Education Support Partnership This is the UK's only charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to all education staff and organisations. What happens when I call? POSH (Professionals Online Safety Helpline) - The helpline will continue to operate: Monday to Friday 10:00am – 4:00pm. No matter what you’re feeling, our free, confidential helpline is always here 24/7. We’ll only break confidentiality if: Can I talk to someone in Welsh or other languages? Parenting and family support from Family Lives (formerly Parentline Plus) through our website, helpline 0808 800 2222, email service at, live chat and local services. AVA is now your one-stop-shop for all your support needs. What is needed is an integrated framework that combines basic academic content with the information and skills students need for a sustainable, equitable, and peaceful future. When lockdown closed schools, we were able to help supply teacher Bernard and his family with a grant to cover their council tax and service charge for three months. A short animation funded by the Department for Education to help children and young people with SEND and their parents learn about the service and support on offer from their local “Information Advice and Support Service” and how a local IASS team can be contacted – including how to access the national Helpline provided by Contact. support to make your views, choices and decisions known; a confidential and impartial telephone helpline service; parental/carer drop-ins in community locations and home visits if needed; encourage partnership and dialogue between parents, Children's Services (Education), schools and voluntary organisations A new sponsorship from Scanning Pens will mean the BDA Helpline will now have even more direct support from a dyslexia specialist.. How Education Support Partnership offers free support to all staff working in education. Welcome to the National Bereavement Partnership . education, support, counselling, helpline _abc cc embed * Powtoon is not liable for any 3rd party content used. Support includes information and signposting, support and coaching or counselling services. Can I speak to someone if I have difficulty hearing? They provide inital help and support via telephone and email. Scanning Pens are proud to sponsor the BDA Helpline. They understand the unique pressures that working in education puts on people. Find out more. If your school or organisation has purchased an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) please call the numbers provided on your leaflets and wallet cards to access the full range of additional services offered. We support over one hundred additional languages through active translation. Please sign-in again to continue. 1161436 / © 2020 Education Support. Skills based helpline training courses. Inside the 'Samaritans for teachers' hotline that shows just how stressful the classroom can be. Please donate and help us to support education staff in crisis. 1-800-321-1433. Yes. In 2015, the Teacher Support Network, Recourse and Worklife Support Partnership became Education Support. Back. Get contact details, videos, photos, opening times and map directions. Night or day, our trained counsellors are here to listen to you without judgement and help you find a way forward, whatever your worries or concerns and feel better. In 2019 Education Support was invited by the Department of Education to join an expert panel tasked with improving the mental health and wellbeing of teachers. Donate. The Scanning Pens sponsorship will allow us to increase the capacity and expertise of the BDA Helpline further – meaning faster and more straightforward support is available and opening … Back to School Bingo . Your session has expired. If your school or organisation has purchased an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) please call the numbers provided on your leaflets and wallet cards to access the full range of additional services offered. At this time of year our thoughts turn to those who are struggling. Published: 12th December 2019 Published by: Education Support Partnership We urge you to share our Christmas helpline poster for those who might need support over the holidays. Counsellors at the Education Support Partnership dealt with 9,615 cases between April last year and March this year – a 28 per cent rise on the 7,507 calls dealt with in 2016-17. Find answers to frequently asked questions on our helpline, or simply get help finding what you're looking for, using our Common Questions Tool. Includes education, health, social care, benefits and housing. 1161436 / © 2020 Education Support. If you or a colleague are struggling please call our helpline counsellors for support. However according to our research, 76% of education professionals have experienced behavioural, psychological or physical symptoms due to their work, compared with 60% of UK employees. Education Support Partnership services are open to trainees, newly qualified teachers, serving teachers, headteachers, and retired professionals, teaching assistants and all education staff, as well as … Education Support Partnership is the new name for the joined forces of: Teacher Support Network (England). It’s for all staff, both academic and administrative, in primary, secondary, further and higher education, and offers services designed to: prevent a crisis from occurring; reduce the impact of a crisis when it occurs; Leeds City Council has made Headspace a cornerstone of the support it offers to every new school head across the city. Who do I call if my school or college has an Employee Assistance Programme With… Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust CQC Overall Rating 15 May 2019 Covid-19 information. Grants. We are committed to supporting … HLP is authorised by Ofcom to operate the Helpline Freephone Range (HFR) scheme which provides confidentiality for vulnerable callers and removes cost barriers that could prevent them from accessing helplines. Such thinking downplays the need to also restructure the various education support program s and services that schools own and operate. We are the only UK charity dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of education staff in schools, colleges and universities. The Parent Toll-Free Helpline, 1-855-DRUGFREE (1-855-378-4373), is staffed by clinical social workers with practical experience in substance abuse prevention and treatment. We know that teaching and working in schools is inherently rewarding. With stress and anxiety levels across the sector reaching alarming levels, we are needed more than ever. Author: Welfare fund ... Free asylum helpline: 0808 8010 503. The person will ask some questions to find out more about your situation and might help you set some short term goals to find a way forward. Education Support Partnership "'is a 24 / 7 helpline for all teachers. One secondary school teacher, identified only as Victoria, said: “I became exhausted and as a result broke down in front of a class. Partnership education is not about discarding what many professionals deem important for children to know and do, or about throwing out state standards. The theme of this year’s ‘Time to Talk’ Day is a timely reminder that a small action has the power to make a big difference. The Education Support Partnership (ESP) said 3,136 teachers contacted its confidential helpline between April 2017 and March 2018, compared with 2,321 in the previous 12-month period. Important and up-to-date information on the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak for families with disabled children. Topics: Arthritis Society, infoline, questions, toll-free, Email Please note: This is our free helpline number. Today we are proud to support anyone working in education, at any level and in any institution. Here is some practical advice and information to help you manage stress effectively and boost your wellbeing. The helpline, launched by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, began taking calls in April 2011 and will offer bilingual support (English/Spanish) beginning in mid-August. Back. Helpline Statistics. We facilitate high quality service delivery to callers by providing services, including training, contact solutions, a Helplines Quality Standard , tailored support and information resources. Education Support Partnership is the only charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to all staff working in education including: teachers, teaching assistants, supply teachers, NQTs, headteachers, lecturers, support staff as well as those retired from the education sector. If you would like to speak to someone in confidence, you can call our free helpline on 08000 562 561. Head office: 01304 203 977. The Helpline Center Network of Care is a partnership led by the Helpline Center between multiple agencies, working together to build a systematic infrastructure to coordinate basic need services for individuals and … If you don't have the number contact with the name of your organisation and postcode. The Helpline is the only statewide, public resource for finding substance use treatment, recovery, and problem gambling services. Stress and anxiety levels across the sector are reaching alarming levels and calls to our helpline are increasing year on year. Use 020 8987 6212 instead. Education staff are experiencing increased symptoms of poor mental health reveals our 2020 # TeacherWellbeingIndex. Other ways to support us The Big Give Events Our partners Our partnership with PMC Get support Covid-19 – advice for adoptive families Adoption Support Helpline Support Education resources Understanding Adoption Publications and research Managing contact with birth family Resources Useful links Adoption FAQs Adoption Support Fund Campaigning In these unprecedented times we are here for you. Yes. To unburden and shine a light on the hidden qualities, commitment and passionate work that takes place across the sector, offering a … In our 2019 Teacher Wellbeing Index, 72% of education staff and 84% of senior leaders said they had suffered from stress. Coronavirus support. Yes, you can access our services by email or live chat. Established in 1877 as a benevolent fund for teachers, we have been continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of the education sector. Education Support Partnership | The UK's only charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to all education staff and organisations. With over a third of education staff expected to leave the profession by 2020, we are needed now more than ever. Our helpline is free and available to all serving and retired teachers, lecturers and staff in education (primary, secondary, further or higher education) in England, Wales and Scotland 24/7, 365 days a year. You have questions: the Arthritis Society has answers. For help and support, please email Advisory Centre for Education 0300 0115 142 Online advice on special educational needs. The helpline is in collaboration with Education Support Partnership (Ed Support). Clear Voice Interpreting Services Overview of services provided by Clear Voice. 08000 numbers are now free from UK landlines and mobiles. Especially when it comes to mental health. We provide help and support for all teachers, lecturers and staff in education. Unfortunately any unsaved changes will be lost. To find out more about Education Support Partnership and the free help that we offer, or to hear about how we can help your school to have a positive and engaged workforce, go to As the UK's only charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to all education staff and organisations, we are here for you. If you don't have the number contact with the name of your organisation and postcode. Find a Helpline Helplines are there to support you and your loved ones by offering advice, information or a listening ear when you need it. We have around 350 members in the UK and internationally from large national charities to small local and specialist charities as well as some businesses. Offers a 24/7 telephone support line for teachers at any stage of their career, from trainee to retirement, and at any type of school. The Education Support Partnership is the UK's only charity providing mental health and wellbeing support services to all education staff and organisations. Helplines Partnership (HLP) offers a dedicated range of freephone numbers that are exclusively available for helplines. Important - The NHS will start giving the coronavirus vaccine as soon as it is available. Tel (Sales) : 01234 436 156 Tel (Support) : 01234 798 212 E-mail : Home; GDPR; ISO 9001 Policy Statement; Modern Slavery Act 2015; Terms and Conditions Coram Childrens Centre Law Advice Line Advice and information on all aspects of law and policy affecting children and young people. A Safety Plan can be developed with … Registered charity No. The helpline is available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year on 0800 562561. ACE is looking to recruit more volunteers to work on its busy telephone advice service giving support to parents and carers on a wide range of education issues. ADHD Foundation. We are your charity! Information taken from Success In Schools Ltd.'s Safeguarding Briefing from the 4th February 2019, by Andrew Hall. Registered charity No. Acle Medical Partnership. If you don't have the number contact with the name of your organisation and postcode. The Partnership to End Addiction is a nonprofit organization, and our helpline services are made available for the sole purpose of helping you find the best solutions for your child and your family. If your school or organisation has purchased an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) please call the numbers provided on your leaflets and wallet cards to access the full range of additional services offered. 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