Boston University leaves coronavirus-prompted Fall 2020 postponement option open BU reportedly not only college or university preparing for possible Jan. 2021 return Photo by Sarah Silbiger (COM’18). BU consistently refuses to answer our questions as to what change in conditions would cause them to change their mind. IIRC, Pres. If we continue going forward with this insane plan, the potential deaths of our coworkers will be on the hands of the university. Nearby in Cambridge, Harvard University announced earlier this week that the institution will reopen in the fall while leaving open the possibility of a virtual start., BU Suspends Study Abroad Program for Fall Semester Because of COVID-19 Pandemic, University Staff Prepare for the Fall Semester, BU Pushes Back Start of 2021 Spring Semester, Cancels Spring Break, Alcohol Transports Increased This Past Semester over Fall 2018. As someone who is young and healthy, without many additional risk factors, I would be willing to weigh the benefits to my students against my personal safety, as TPS suggests. BOSTON (CBS) — Boston University says students may not be allowed back on campus until January 2021. Fall Break (no classes held) Thursday, November 26 - Sunday, November 29: Thanksgiving holiday (no classes held) Monday, November 30: Last day to withdraw from a 7-week (7B) course: Monday, December 7: Full Term 16-week Courses (1), 7-week Courses (7B), and Short Duration Courses (SDC) end. It’s not living a “life full of fear” to approach a global pandemic with common sense and responsibility. (For official administrative staff holidays, please visit Human Resources' University Holidays calendar.) What exactly is it that we — both students and faculty — are being asked to risk our physical and mental health for? They may have safety issues at home, or have limited access to technology, or have no other place to live. But do you not think that the students have the same concern? • Fall break, originally scheduled for two days in mid-October, has been canceled. Visit Back2BU for the latest updates and information on BU's response to COVID-19. “For this reason, if you do make the decision to travel home for the holiday, we recommend not returning to campus after Thanksgiving break and instead completing the semester remotely, as is possible under the LfA model,” the letter says. It should have been removed long ago, but given the political and societal changes occurring in 2020, I’d expect BU to be at the forefront of this change. Refer to Individual School Calendars for Actual Dates (University Allowable Start Date is Oct 26, 2020) This is particularly important for classes with elements that do not easily translate to remote learning, as well as for the members of our community who may be unable to, or not want to, leave campus after the Thanksgiving holiday.”. There are doctors and scientists that know this…. The University organized formal Centennial observances both in 1939 and 1969. A.J. Students submitting after this date will be charged a late fee] Applications for part-time study due. You at least get to leave campus and go home. To download click on the image below to open the pdf and save to your device. She may be hard to understand because of the mask. Note that if students travel home for Thanksgiving to an unsafe state, they will be required to quarantine upon their return until a negative test is produced, so the campus is still relatively protected. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The Spring 2021 Planner will be available beginning Wednesday, November 4, 2020. “Given this, we believe it is best to retain the option of in-person classes through the end of the semester. A decision on the makeup of spring semester is expected in early December, when the FAS also expects to announce a delayed start to it. I actually have no objection to students returning to campus and dorms (with proper safety protocols in place). But How Good Are They? Finally, I am shocked and disappointed that BU has decided to honor Christopher Columbus this year. Those benches that students sit on between classes in the CAS hallway are marked off with caution tape. So, just as you’ve invited the prof to think critically about this issue, I strongly urge you to do the same. Printed copies available from Chris Cook Print for £8 each or 2 for £12. [Deadline and late fees have been waived for fall 2020: Applications for non-resident status for the fall term or academic year due. Nobody can. If you truly cared about safety, then you would realize that more students will suffer and die from depression and anxiety during the semester than from COIVD. It is eye opening. Winning pictures taken by you, chosen by. Boston University is planning for the possibility that the start of the fall term might need to be delayed until January 2021, “in which case summer 2021 academics would replace those now planned for fall 2020.” BU acknowledged the possibility in announcing the development of a universitywide COVID-19 Recovery Plan and the formation of five working groups focused on questions application deadline: December 15, 2020 Cornell Tech LL.M. *Undergraduate populations are divided into 10 groups by class year (in Spring 2021) and the last digit of the student ID number; see the Start Times charts below. What are the forcing functions? The university has been planning for the fall semester since early spring, Suffolk officials said in an email sent to students Monday. On-campus classes will end at Thanksgiving to … We students will be on guard 24/7, which not only adds to the already high pressure of being a student at a place like BU. Boston University says students may not be allowed back on campus until January ... in which case summer 2021 academics would replace those now planned for fall 2020… And let’s be clear about one other important point: some of us have already had friends and family get sick or die from the virus. To avoid spreading COVID-19, students who want to complete their semester on campus are “strongly encouraged” not to travel over the Thanksgiving holiday and to stay on campus instead, says Jean Morrison, BU provost and chief academic officer, in a letter to the BU community that went out on Wednesday. There is still some uncertainty, so make sure you check with the schools themselves to confirm all application deadlines. He’s written more than 700 stories for the Boston Globe and has also written for the Boston Herald and the Greenfield Recorder. Very disappointing. How do you do meaningful group work? Yet another irresponsible decision made by BU administration. Boston Calendar 2020. Unfortunately, the decision and plan outlined here will help the anticipated second wave. Some US law schools are also offering spring starts, for those who want to start their LL.M. Students will leave campus, have meals with their extended families, and then travel back to campus. 18. Under LfA, if you are taking a lecture class, you will probably only physically be in lecture one time a week, or maybe every other week due to physical distancing requirements. May 19, 2020. Holding a seat in a class for which you do not intend to enroll is prohibited. That is bait and switch and without an increase in cases as a reason looks like a grab for tuition monies before students are told the realities. It isn’t BU’s fault either. In online Zoom discussions, the professor can see all students (with no masks) at the same time. And that is still a lot. **** Also, why is Columbus Day given as a day off, but not Veterans Day, which is also a federal holiday? The University reserves the right to correct typographical errors or to adjust the Academic Calendar at any time it deems necessary. But please don’t make this about safety. All rights reserved. Will “human connection” guarantee the safety of BU staff, faculty, and students? Boston College Events › Event Details; Log In; Search Search. The rest of the time you’ll be on Zoom in your room. Biden’s Top Four Priorities, Explained by Leading BU Experts, History Made as BU Gives First COVID-19 Vaccines, Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. (GRS’55, Hon.’59) amid Tumult in America, BU’s Jessica Stern on Why January 6 Attack on Capitol Was an Act of Terrorism, BU to Begin Giving COVID-19 Vaccines Friday, Patriot League Announces Plans for a Spring Unlike Any Other, CAS Alum Creates a Different Species of Podcast. Know that we are scared and fear for our jobs if we refuse to go along with these ridiculous plans. Boston University leaves coronavirus-prompted Fall 2020 postponement option open BU reportedly not only college or university preparing for possible Jan. 2021 return Even if students do not travel out of state, Thanksgiving is a time when people gather together. How can the professor attend to both groups at the same time while simultaneously teaching (it’s like teaching two discussion classes at once)? The registration start date is based on your class year in Spring 2021. Coronavirus forced all spring classes to … Fourth, Massachusetts has done a fairly decent job at slowing the spread COVID. Hallways and stairs on campus are already set up to be one-way. When it transitions, I hope the university has a plan. But in a nod to concerns about students going home for Thanksgiving and then returning to campus, officials say that they encourage those students who do go home for the holiday to take advantage of BU’s Learn from Anywhere (LfA) model, which allows students to take classes remotely or in person, and simply finish out their semester at home rather than come back to campus. The overall percent positive for Massachusetts is now just over one percent and the student faculty and staff testing to date has shown a one in one thousand positivity. we, deserve to inform yourself another way. Despite this, we still choose to come back. May 29, 2020 4:30 PM . Office hours and study sessions will most likely be through Zoom for all students, as most faculty do not have enough space in their offices to allow for social distancing. Per the University's Fall 2020 Plan, fall exams will be taken online. She can form breakout rooms for group work. Those students who are on campus will still find themselves forced to attend many classes remotely from their dorm rooms due to occupancy restrictions, while even students who are able to enter the classroom for any given session will still have to perform most exercises and activities online so as to be able to engage with the majority of their classmates. I would like the administration to re-think this decision. Students will have to sit alone at dining halls or grab food and go eat elsewhere (outside or in their rooms). Start of the term for continuing GSAS students. Monday, August 31, 2020 … For university policy information related to religious holidays, ... "Academic Policies and Procedures" of the University General Bulletin. Questrom is deploying extra screens and cameras in the classrooms so in-person and remote participants see each other, and so that the instructor can move around. applications substantially, in some cases pushing back deadlines and start dates. Your assertion that you “will not be paying for the rest of [teachers’] salary” if you are not taught in person reeks of entitlement and is completely disrespectful to the professor you responded to. Experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Mayo Clinic are predicting a likely resurgence of the coronavirus in late fall 2020. Several Massachusetts cities and towns long decided to honor indigenous people (Indigenous Peoples Day) over Columbus. The registration start date is based on your class year in Fall 2020. Boston University is planning for the possibility that the start of the fall term might need to be delayed until January 2021, “in which case summer 2021 academics would replace those now planned for fall 2020.”. Not just because I value my own health and safety and that of my students and community, but because I honestly think I can teach my classes better that way. These plans are not being made in the best interest of students — BU is only making decisions that will save them the most money. I ask you to please think critically about this issue. Or Ban Trump? Important ... During the Transition Periods, which include Fall Opening, Boston College modifies its alcohol policy for residential students. No refunds will be giv… Doing LfA right! My only positive guess about this “continue-the-semester-after-Thanksgiving” decision is that the admin knows BU will have to be entirely closed days after Sep 2, so they won’t even bother to make changes to the rest of the semester. Go ahead and try to fire me for that. Fall 2020 Opening Fall Move-in 2020. Classes will begin September 2 and end December 10, with final exams to be completed by December 19. In return, you have agreed to teach me, mentor me, and help me fulfill my education. But for almost all classes at BU, online learning IS possible and CAN be done safely. application deadlines: Round 1: November 15, 2020; Round 2: January 15, 2021; Round 3: March 15, 2021; Round 4: April 30, 2021) They will maintain their sorry, recycled excuses and lines. First, how will the university verify and enforce this Thanksgiving travel restriction? Make no mistake this decision is solely based on revenue. I am quite honestly taken aback by your response. Knowledge and wisdom about prevention is being censored and accessibility to known and effective treatments being denied clearance for use. Those of you afraid stop looking to media as your guide. This echoes my sentiments as an instructor almost exactly: If I were convinced that the hybrid model envisioned by TfA would lead to a measurably better educational experience for my students than online-only instruction, I would have far fewer qualms about showing up in-person, despite the risks. Does anyone know who leaves and who stays? Yes, one day we will be able to go back to normal, but not until we can ensure the safety of everyone who lives and works on campus. Lastly, do you think that faculty and staff are not also suffering from anxiety and depression during a global pandemic? So yes, this is absolutely about safety. If arriving between 7-9 PM on these dates please email Stage Design - A Discussion between Industry Professionals. Many faculty and staff have no choice, other than having to quit our jobs during a pandemic. Last day to withdraw from a Full Term 16-week Course In a lab class, how is a teaching fellow supposed to show a student how a procedure is done if they’re not supposed to be standing next to the student? BU is actively encouraging students to engage in behaviors that are PROVEN to promote the spread of coronavirus. • Fall break, originally scheduled for two days in mid-October, has been canceled. Students who wish to travel home for Thanksgiving can stay home and complete their courses remotes, while the many students who cannot travel home can stay and still get value from the campus experience. I DO think BU should reduce tuition this semester, and I would have absolutely taken a pay cut if that were required. Last day to withdraw from the College for the fall semester; must file the appropriate paperwork to the Office of Student Success by 5:00 p.m. (ET) If you are relatively young and healthy, then you probably have about as much to worry about as we do. Boston College Academic Calendar 2019–2020 August 26 Fall 2019 classes begin September 2 Labor Day—No Classes September 4 Last day for graduate students to add/drop a course online September ... Last date for official withdrawal from a course or from the University It can’t be done until the virus is under control. One custodian was on a ventilator for 3 months. Seems to be another decision made surrounding finances and not the actual health and safety of the students, faculty, and staff. Though the message only described plans for fall, it suggested that the three on-campus density scenarios that went into this fall’s planning also would apply to spring: lower, continued medium, and higher. Session dates depend on your school or college. Large lectures may not make sense, but classes of twenty to thirty could certainly meet with masks in this climate with continued weekly or twice weekly student testing. Set up your planner as early as February 15, 2020! To prepare for this possibility, key changes have been made to the 2020-21 Academic Calendar in accordance with the university's recovery plan. Why? But this will not be a normal semester on campus, and BU is not a place where you can escape all the social distancing that you’ve been doing at home. This is usually the time of year we would be weighing the giant pumpkins at the Topsfield Fair. I want to choose that option for my classes. BU is encouraging students to either go home for Thanksgiving and then finish the semester at home or stay on campus for Thanksgiving. *undergraduate populations are divided into 10 groups by class year (in Fall 2020) and the last digit of the student ID number; see the Start Times charts below. Joel Brown. Professors and TFs, as mentioned by the prof here, are also experiencing unprecedented anxiety and depression, particularly as we are being forced to choose between our jobs and our personal health and safety so that BU can offer the LfA program with a smile. Can anyone tell from the appearance that someone just traveled back to another state/country during Thanksgiving? Fall … October starts off beautiful, with sunshine and temperatures in the 70s for much of New England. Abusive, profane, self-promotional, misleading, incoherent or off-topic comments will be rejected. BU’s Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Policy. As students return and refuse to follow basic safety guidelines such as social distancing and wearing masks (which I already am seeing in alarming numbers on campus), lives are being put at risk. Students can find additional information in the Undergraduate Student Guide and Graduate & Professional Student Guide. Isolation is a recipe for death amongst all living organisms. Fall 2021 LL.M. Boston College Plans To Start Fall Semester As Scheduled. What we are now faced with, however, is a scenario where students will face severe barriers imposed by both the physical and online components of the course structure, and where almost all the proven benefits of face-to-face instruction will be negated by the demands of classroom dedensification. The university designated that day Indigenous People’s Day, which contradicts state calendar and policy. Recent News Articles. Students can find additional information in the Undergraduate Student Guide and Graduate & Professional Student Guide. But I REFUSE to teach in-person after Thanksgiving until students can be tested multiple times. I actually agree with you that this is a dumb move on behalf of the administration, and I’m disappointed in the lack of responsibility it shows. “We know how important a time this traditionally is for many of you and your families, and that this is a hard choice to make,” Morrison notes in the letter. Black. Start planning now; we have orientation dates, help to find a hotel near Boston University, and orientation tips for parents. FALL 20202 GRADUATEUNDERGRAD UNDERGRAD MEDICAL LAW PUBLIC THEOLOGY EMORY OXFORD ... (University Allowable Start Date is Oct 26, 2020) Refer to individual School Calendars for Exam Period Schedules and to the Housing Calendar at Atlanta and Oxford for Residence Hall Closings (Most exams will be held at some point between Dec 1-19; Law between Nov 30 - Dec 11) Spring Break Cancelled … As a nurse I know first hand that humans die without touch or connection or even worst can be kept alive but denied life’s vitality ( a life full of fear). I fear that the payoff will be a hybrid learning experience that is simply the worst of both worlds. We have had to mourn their losses alone and have been unable to visit them or attend their funerals. The professor won’t be able to move around the room. LfA is mode of teaching with extremely little research behind it, and the schools that have used it effectively have done so with technology that BU is not purchasing (for example, enough screens in a classroom so that every remote student can be seen by the entire class). Event Fall Date(s) Spring Date(s) Fast At-Home COVID-19 Tests Are Coming. Last day to drop a class or withdraw from the University without a W grade It is worth mentioning that not all profs and TFs are “young and healthy”–there are older profs, there are profs and TFs with underlying health conditions, not to mention family members at home that may fall into these risk categories. Social activities and clubs will be highly restricted. The point is that normal teaching and learning is impossible right now. Boston University appears to be the first American college or university to announce that it … 881 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215 University of Michigan academic calendar: Here are the new dates for fall, winter semesters. © Boston University. Testing and Move-In Appointments. Profile. You’re right — online learning isn’t as good as normal in-person teaching. BU has put money over the well-being of students and faculty/staff. California State University at Fullerton, with 40,000 students, disclosed plans for a remote opening in the fall. The actual risk is very low. Students may have to yell when they ask questions. Please Note:  The start and end times displayed on your class schedule are the actual class meeting times. BU Academic Calendar for Fall Semester Will Not Change, Joel Brown How will Zoom students see all the in-class students? Thursday, August 6 - Sunday, August 23: Early Term Start (ETS) Courses: Monday, August 24: Full Term 16-week Courses (1) and 7-week Courses (7A) begin: Monday, August 31: Last day to add or drop a 7-week (7A) course: Monday, September 7 : Labor Day (no classes held) Tuesday, September 8: Last day to add or drop a Full Term 16-week (1) course: Monday, September … We will be hosting Thanksgiving dinners on campus for those who do plan to stay here and will do all we can to make it a pleasant holiday experience. Most tests and quizzes will probably be done online, because not all students can be in a room together. I just want students to be coming in with realistic expectations. My BU student moved in yesterday and there isn’t yet a COVID-19 live public dashboard as promised in the Back2BU meetings. I understand that for many students coming to campus this fall is the best option for them. Students who opt for in-class learning are scheduled to return to campus beginning August 25. If by chance you don’t hold up your side of the bargain, then this contract that we have agreed to is useless, and I will not be paying for the rest of your salary. Her attention will be split between the remote and in person students, both of whom will feel ignored at times. I understand undergrads (particularly freshman) are excited to begin college life. Tulane University announces start date for fall 2020 semester. Your email address will not be published. Moderators are staffed during regular business hours (EST) and can only accept comments written in English. Third, it is apparent that these decisions are based on revenue. Many faculty will be experiencing anxiety when they teach in person this fall — they’ll just be trying to hide it as best they can. You mentioned that “they will be required to quarantine”. Fall 2020: FULL SESSION. Brown’s excuse is not valid. Even if they were, increasing evidence is showing that even “young and healthy” COVID patients are experiencing severe symptoms, including neurological and other changes that can outlast initial infection for weeks (and possibly longer, or permanently). Mike Strecker 504-512-1347. I am sympathetic that this has thrown a wrench in the mix in what should be an exciting moment in your lives. According to a letter from Father Leahy, Boston College plans on proceeding with its 2020 Fall Semester as originally planned. During the fall semester, classes at BC will be held as a combination of in-class, hybrid, and on-line courses. It’s clear that it’s full-steam ahead, no matter what. Or staying in the building? A course dropped after the Drop deadline will be treated as a withdrawal, and a "W" will be recorded as a grade for the course, unless another course is added at the same time. If percent positive climbs in the first weeks back classes can become completely on line temporarily. Where Does Social Media Go from Here? As a facilities staff member I have witnessed firsthand coworkers fall ill from working on campus through the pandemic. Yes, the “wind of change is blowing,” yet BU has stubbornly maintained their ignorant stance. Fall 2020 JULY 1, Wednesday. Updated May 22, 2020; Posted May 22, 2020 In this Wednesday, May 20, 2020 photo a passer-by skates past an entrance to the Tsai Performance Center on the campus of Boston University, in Boston. For Continuing and Professional Studies Fall 2019 Courses 1. • Fall semester classes will start Aug. 17 and end Nov. 20, which is the Friday before Thanksgiving. The difference with online learning this fall would be that we actually have time to prepare. Please email any questions to Who can actually ensure the quarantine? This is putting the whole Boston in danger. In summary, We will reopen for on-site classes using the planned 2020-2021 university-wide academic calendar. Clearly, Pres. ****For Fall 2020 only Tuesday exams will take place on Saturday December 19. Required fields are marked *, Pioneering Research from Boston University. Print to PDF . On this page you can find out the UCL term dates and closures for 2020-21 . Miami University in Ohio, Illinois State University and the University of California-Merced have also delayed in-person start dates, among many others. In-Person after Thanksgiving until students can be found on the hands of the mask to reflect remote learning the... Who were planning to return to campus choose to come back and the Recorder. The leading photo of this decision 8:55 am for details on LfA a in. New job at a school that values my life Fullerton, with 40,000 students, faculty and. See all students can be done online, because not all students can be done by students using WISER! And faculty/staff apparent that these decisions are based on your class schedule are the new dates for fall winter! 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