You may want to adjust positioning in the carrier and be sure that it’s the proper size for baby and that any straps are not excessively tight. BUT, we found a hack - roll up a towel or small blanket and put it at the bottom of the carrier as a booster seat. Okay so my lo has always had issues with her legs/feet turning purple when they are dangling. Anyone have one of these, and do they seem smooshed in there? Updated on August 07, 2008 T.N. Carriers (used with baby facing in OR out) for babies before 6 months of age (and ideally after that) should support the back of the thighs, not just the baby's bottom. This holds baby upright while facing you, with baby's tummy touching your tummy, while their legs remain in the spread squat position (also called M position). My baby did the same thing and the Dr. said that his circulation just wasn't developed fully yet and that it is normal. Ok, so we had a baby carrier, the ones that look like back packs but they are in the front, and when we used it my son's little legs would start to turn reddish and almost purple in some spots after like 1 minute in, so we stopped using it obviously. 00 Share Your Updates With Family And Friends Every Week. :/ can anyone recommend me a better one that won't cost an arm or a leg! Second time Mommy / First pregnancy - NAME HELP. Now in the carrier it's both legs turning this freaky blue with red splotches. However, Ruchy so sincerely wanted to (anonymously) share her experience with others that I couldn’t in good conscience dismiss it. This is possible only if the fabric in a baby carrier covers the whole back of the thigh to the backside of the knee, if the carrier has an adjustable seat, or if the carrier has footstraps. Therefore, environmental changes play a huge role in the color. If the legs and feet of your toddler turn purple, contact your doctor. When a baby is newly born, their skin will be dark red to purple, which lightens as they begin to breathe air and as the first day passes. While you can safely and comfortably have your baby front facing in a baby carrier starting at 6 months old, most babies are happy to be held in the front inward facing position past 6 months old. The baby sits on a portion of the carrier with legs hanging down. It is crucial to address lower limb health complications as early as possible in order to save the legs. They may also be covered in white goo, called vernix caseosa. Its most likely your baby. Or the baby may choke and start to turn blue when they swallow too quickly. Decades before the frum community’s consciousness about alternative medicine was first raised and then popularized, my mother was already dragging me to the Bay Ridge offices of Dr. James D’Adamo, the original conceptualizer of the “Blood Type” diet (and personal physician to the Tosher Rebbe, […] Rarely, purple skin is a symptom of a serious blood clot, such as a pulmonary embolism. If you are wearing her legs out, you can try putting a little blanket rolled up under her bum - that will set her just a bit higher in the carrier so that the carrier isn't forcing her legs to spread wider than they should. It was better when she was sitting, but her feet got purple again when she was in her jumperoo. What to do? This creates more of a seat as opposed to carriers that allow the legs to dangle freely from the hips, which is believed to put baby at risk for hip dislocation and hip dysplasia. What if baby’s legs turn purple in the carrier. The reality is a newborn baby, fresh from the womb, will likely be purple and slimy. recently the palms of my hands turned purple too. … One problem is that it kind of cuts out my baby's blood circulation in the legs. Purpling on the lower limbs is generally a circulatory issue- not something to fool around with by using herbs or other nostrums. This is so bad for the hips in every way possible. They may also be covered in white goo, called vernix caseosa. So does this mean it's a bad quality carrier? When I bought my snuggie (wrap) the sales ladies told me that the carriers your talking about are not good for baby as they do cut off the circulation. From diaper rash and cradle cap to eczema and baby acne, here are some of the most common children's rashes and skin problems.. Understanding the symptoms of torticollis, congenital or a… But again goes way after less than a minute when I lay her down. 13 June, 2017. “I know that if I myself would read this account in Ami Magazine—if it happened to somebody else—I would never believe it… Not for a second. He wasn't … He's been acting very VERY fussy today. Legs lose color when sitting/baby carrier? But how can there be a placebo effect on a ten-month-old child?”, Ruchy’s story begins in 2016, when she was expecting her seventh child. A: Generally skin color changes from pink to blue or purple when the area is cold or is not receiving enough oxygenated blood. 0. The baby sits on a portion of the carrier with legs hanging down. Its probably not your carrier. (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), Last Jew in Afghanistan gets new Tefillin, ‘A SECOND CHANCE’/ Rabbi Yoel Gold featuring Baruch Levine & Shimi…, Assessing the Legacy of President George H.W. If the baby wants to see more how about trying to carry on your back looking over your shoulder? Sometimes when we hold our DD 1 or both of her legs will turn purple and they will have red-ish splotches on them. A baby’s skin is paper thin. i always dont use that particular hold though. For older babies and toddlers whose legs are overhanging the rear-facing car seat, they can sit cross-legged, put their legs over the sides of the car seat, or prop them up on the vehicle seat. The organization’s intrepid scientists and journalists have been credited for trailblazing exposés alerting the public to pesticides in fruits and vegetables, arsenic in rice produced in the American South, blatant fraud perpetrated by the olive oil industry, and, most recently, traces of carcinogenic chemicals tainting beef. If thats the case, its usually due to the way your baby was positioned in utero. I used it for about 10 mins to do some washing up etc and noticed her legs started going purple and blotchy! Now in the carrier it's both legs turning this freaky blue with red splotches. The Health Warrior // Chaya Lipschutz’s Passion for Saving Lives. Variations on a Theme: Who knew that Purim could be so complicated? Preface: I confess: I’m a BIG believer in holistic cures. Even for small babies, the legs out position is highly recommended. Even though I had collapsed in exhaustion following the delivery, like every other mother I strained to hear my baby’s first cry. Usually Normal: Babies normally have purple feet and hands, which is why they get 9's on the apgar test instead of 10's. When Rivka Leah was finally placed into Ruchy’s cradling arms, she scanned her baby more closely than she had the previous others. ?My LO is 20 this coming Monday and has good head control so we placed him face front in ergo carrier with legs out to side, frog style. I love it and he isn't smooched in there. Re: Blue-Purple Legs and Feet My 9 month old granddaughter stayed with us last week and I noticed the samething especially when I was holding her in an upright postion. Decades before the frum community’s consciousness about alternative medicine was first raised and then popularized, my mother was already dragging me to the Bay Ridge offices of Dr. James D’Adamo, the original conceptualizer of the “Blood Type” diet (and personal physician to the Tosher Rebbe, zt”l, when he relocated to a town near Montreal). If the toddler is diagnosed with a heart or circulation disorder, medication is likely to be prescribed to prevent limited blood flow to the legs … Purpura is characterized by small, purple bumps on the skin, often on the penis, buttocks, lower legs, or elbows. Re: Blue-Purple Legs and Feet My 9 month old granddaughter stayed with us last week and I noticed the samething especially when I was holding her in an upright postion. It was better when she was sitting, but her feet got purple again when she was in her jumperoo. But again goes way after less than a minute when I lay her down. 3 kids; While PURPLE crying is unexpected, your baby may still be hungry, tired, wet/dirty, too cold/hot, or have some other need that needs to … I confess: I’m a BIG believer in holistic cures. If I had not known Ruchy for more than 15 years and not always viewed her (as everyone does) as an icon of emes, I would have ruefully dispatched her story to the dustbin of rejects. If you are wearing her legs out, you can try putting a little blanket rolled up under her bum - that will set her just a bit higher in the carrier so that the carrier isn't forcing her legs to spread wider than they should. It occurs when there is an inadequacy in lung oxygenation or blood circulation. Bruising from skin injuries is a common cause of purple skin. Bush, Finding Their Light // Four personal accounts of women who chose their own paths in their service of Hashem, Spinning My Wheels // If it sounds too good to be true…, Alternate Reality // She did not want to be confused with the facts, The Seat Switch // Everyone had our best interests in mind, but…. With legs in, the babywearer should not be moving around much but rather sitting down with the baby in the carrier. If the baby can't cry or make noises and is having trouble breathing, start choking first aid immediately. Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness // A conversation with Chaya Rochel Steinberg, who has a BA in psychology and art therapy and suffers... Discovering Mental Strength // A Psychotherapist Shares Her Story. Help! The reality is a newborn baby, fresh from the womb, will likely be purple and slimy. You’ll likely notice straight away if your baby is cold — their feet will probably be a bluish color. You do not need to be concerned if your baby is otherwise acting healthy. It's only happening now if I put her in the carrier (which was only once after I realized what was happeneing) Add Friend Ignore. Especially if the adult carrying the baby is a little vigilant to the baby’s signals, and aid the baby’s efforts to take in the world by turning appropriately to the side. Drug overdoses from sedatives, Benzodiazepines or narcotics can cause purple skin. This is the main reason to discuss about the significance of purple feet – it needs attention as it could be a circulatory problem. Got given a mothercare carrier (2 position) by a friend as I'd mentioned how clingy my lo is. Leg discoloration and the heart. My Baby's Leg Turns Blue When We Hold Him. Within a couple mins my husband looked down and freaked, LOs legs were BLUE! While PURPLE crying is unexpected, your baby may still be hungry, tired, wet/dirty, too cold/hot, or have some other need that needs to be addressed. Consequently, I felt conflicted when Ruchy Weiss* told me the story that follows—a story that would normally provide hope to people seeking medical relief—precisely because the methodology that cured her baby had been debunked by Consumer Reports as illegitimate just one month before. So now she's 5.5 months old and it still happens several times per day. ... Hi, my daughter's legs or leg used to turn a purple color when we would hold her. If this solution works for you, and your baby is content, we strongly suggest that you keep your baby in the front inward facing position. Cyanosis is a sign of low oxygen levels in the blood (hypoxemia). When your baby has torticollis, they were probably born with it (congenital torticollis). I sobbed.”, The faint cry that finally issued from the baby’s pinched mouth did little to allay Ruchy’s fears when she heard the nurses whisper: The Apgar score isn’t so great. I think it's normal and it doensn't happen now that she's 2 so I'm sure it's … Other common causes include broken blood vessels and pooling of blood under the skin. If legs in, she's probably got her weight on her feet instead of her bum which can cause problems. “Her skin, in fact, seemed tinged by the color blue.”, Meeting The Famous Mohammed Saud! it was fine and would last forever. Your baby’s upper legs should be pulled up to at least hip level, if not higher. To start, take your doctor's cues; she likely sees plenty of healthy babies born purple every day. I was holding him just a min ago and noticed several tiny purple spots all over his right leg and about 2 or 3 spots on his left one on his outside ankle. Still, there I was, watching my baby Rivka Leah being cured in front of my eyes by a technique that is considered controversial or outright quackery. “While my previous pregnancies had all been normal and healthy, the labors themselves were quite protracted and difficult. Rivka Leah’s birth was the hardest. Gavin's legs do the same thing, especially his feet, his pedi said it wasnt that big of a deal babies have poor circulation and as long as they didnt turn fully purple and cold and went back to normal. Sleepy Wrap, picture from website. My son is 8 months old, and his leg turns blue when we hold him. worry? It looks to me to be bad circulation. So here it is, with the full disclosure that most “orthodox” doctors consider the modality Ruchy used to help her baby to be “sheer nonsense.” She in turn views it as the conduit that really helped her family in many ways. In some cases, infants develop torticollis after birth (acquired torticollis, which is normally caused by some kind of trauma or infection), but most cases can be traced back to birth. Dr. Kathy Robinson answered 32 years experience Family Medicine Obstructions in the airway, including choking, croup and epiglottitis, are further possible causes of purple … California, 2 kids; Hamilton, Ontario, 3 kids; California. The bumps form when the blood vessels under your skin start to … Is this because he is chubby or does he have another issue? Or do all carriers do this? Skin color changes are typically indicative of a circulation problem. Baby's legs keep going purple! Panicked and took it off. Baby’s legs turn purple when held asks from Arlington, MA on July 28, 2008 6 answers. The baby is so anxious to get started they confuse the suck-swallow-breath pattern and either cough and choke or turn the dusky bluish color for a few seconds. Ok, so we had a baby carrier, the ones that look like back packs but they are in the front, and when we used it my son's little legs would start to turn reddish and almost purple in some spots after like 1 minute in, so we stopped using it obviously. One which needs to be evaluated by a physician- a DOCTOR. Most babies are born with curved or bowed legs. Skin color changes are typically indicative of a circulation problem. Leg discoloration and the heart. At the same time, I am also a faithful adherent of the highly reliable research conducted—and wise counsel dispensed—by Consumer Reports, an “independent nonprofit agency that works for truth, transparency and fairness in the marketplace.” This advocacy group is clearly not quite as keen as I am about alternative health practices. But when a kid’s lips start turning blue out of nowhere, well, that’s when panic starts to set in. When it wasn’t forthcoming, I begged the medical staff to tell me that she was okay. If you're willing to share photos of your child's skin condition, please send them to with Brown Skin Matters in the subject line. If legs in, she's probably got her weight on her feet instead of her bum which can cause problems. (You can see this if you try to fold your baby back into the position that she was in while inside of you.) In the beginning it was just the right leg if we held her close like this (Ignore how bad I look, it was a long day) And would almost instantly go back to pink when we put her down. It also happens sometimes … Can You At Least Tell Me Why? Anyway I got a SleepyWrap carrier so I'm hoping because his legs won't be dangling that this will work. She noticed that she seemed fine with one exception: “Her coloring didn’t have that pink, rosy look common to newborns,” Ruchy recalls. Purple skin may occur in conditions affecting the skin itself or along with a more generalized disorder resulting from conditions such as drowning or chronic heart and lung diseases. I know SO has bad circulation so maybe that's why. Hocus-pocus I would surely conclude. Occasionally, this condition may affect the entire body skin of a newborn with blue or purple patches leading to a blue baby. If your foot starts to turn purple without having any bruise or bump, then you must consult a doctor because purple feet generally indicate that there is a problem with blood circulation and it can possibly be a serious condition. Or is lo too heavy now? Subscribe Hi, my daughter's legs or leg used to turn a purple color when we would hold her. But if your foot starts to take on a purple color without any bumps or bruises, you should see your doctor. The Pink Slip // I knew my friend was about to be fired. It may also be seen on the mucous membranes, especially of the mouth, tongue and eyes. Those injuries usually heal on their own without treatment. However if his lips or chest turn blue you should see your pediatrician as this can be a sign of cardiac disease. Related story What Happens to Your Body Each Day of … even though i'm losing weight my legs swell badly and my feet turn purple. Answered on May 22, 2019. Some even prefer facing inward in a carrier until they’re 12 months old, which is why this is the optimal position we recommend for parents and babies. I've just started taking my 15 week old DS out in a Baby Bjorn carrier, and on both occassions his feet have gone purple and cold within a few minutes. It is crucial to address lower limb health complications as early as possible in order to save the legs. It also happens when he is sitting in a weird position for too long, like his circulation is getting cut off. What the hell was that!! Cyanosis is the medical term for a blue to purple discoloration of the skin which arises from deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood stream. Ruchy Weiss begins her recital with a wry laugh. Purple hands and feet is just a result of this immaturity. Please see a … There are two reasons why the blood under a baby's skin might look blue: The baby's lungs are not getting enough oxygen. If the toddler is diagnosed with a heart or circulation disorder, medication is likely to be prescribed to … I've just started taking my 15 week old DS out in a Baby Bjorn carrier, and on both occassions his feet have gone purple and cold within a few minutes. As the baby get bigger and her blood circulation improves, you … Sometimes when we hold our DD 1 or both of her legs will turn purple and they will have red-ish splotches on them. It looks to me to be bad circulation. Just move your baby anytime you notice it happening. Preface: We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use … They said wraps are better for under one year. A baby’s skin is paper thin. This creates more of a seat as opposed to carriers that allow the legs to dangle freely from the hips, which is believed to put baby at risk for hip dislocation and hip dysplasia. We have the moby wrap kind like the sleepy. Connect with 1000s of pregnant moms & parents in your area! Legs-Out: The baby’s legs and feet are outside the carrier. Today's convertible car seats have rear-facing limits of 35, 40, and even 50 pounds. Some carriers achieve this by positioning infants with legs inside the body of the carrier, supported by an infant insert or wrap-and-tie structure. Carriers (used with baby facing in OR out) for babies before 6 months of age (and ideally after that) should support the back of the thighs, not just the baby's bottom. Boba Wrap Baby Carrier, Grey - Original Stretchy Infant Sling, Perfect for Newborn Babies and Children up to 35 lbs 4.5 out of 5 stars 11,143 £38.00 £ 38 . If the legs and feet of your toddler turn purple, contact your doctor. She wrestled her fears down while the nurses waited for a significant interval to pass until they took the test again. I actually think that the fabric of the carrier pressing into the legs obstructs the blood flow and that is why the purple legs are happening. This is the main reason to discuss about the significance of purple feet – it needs attention as it could be a circulatory problem. Get Daily Update Into Your Mail For join Now. : Hello. Everyone this is my first time here and posting in this group I apologize in advance if this has already been spoken about. That way the legs can bend down naturally instead of forced into a split. If the leg is turning purple or blue it is a warning sign that the heart may already be affected. Finally, this link talks about babywearing a premature baby and the picture shows the small baby in a wrap with the legs out position. Just a quick twist of the kaleidoscope and the mosaic appears completely different: a narrative completely depends upon the prism through which you view it. This is likely a cause of poor circulation. Email. Well, if I were the one who had been healed, then we could argue that it was the placebo effect that worked on me, not the holistic practice. This is usually a result of the way they were "packaged" in the uterus. This time the score was satisfactory. My son usually wears little outfits where he has his legs covered, but today we had him in a little outfit where his legs were exposed. You may have had bruises that temporarily turned part of your skin a shade of black, blue, or purple. There’s no question that I would scoff. Today's convertible car seats have rear-facing limits of 35, 40, and even 50 pounds. What’s wrong with my baby? Select Your Cookie Preferences. Consumer Reports’ ethics in journalism are considered impeccable; the gold standard to which other consumer protection agencies aspire. However if the baby has purple or bluish skin elsewhere, or lips they need to be seen immediately, as this could be a sign of heart or lung problems. “She was born blue, she wasn’t breathing, and she had to be resuscitated. Therefore, environmental changes play a huge role in the color. Purple feet are a sign of a circulation problem that can be potentially serious. Why isn’t she crying? When she was a newborn we were told it was completely normal. This occurs due to a decreased amount of hemoglobin in the baby’s blood. For older babies and toddlers whose legs are overhanging the rear-facing car seat, they can sit cross-legged, put their legs over the sides of the car seat, or prop them up on the vehicle seat. Fever over 100.4 F or 38 C (in newborns) “If your infant is less than three months and has a … A baby skin can develop irregular purple, blue, pink or red lacy patches on legs, arms or on any other parts of the body. This may be in a narrow-based or ergonomic carrier (a carrier that supports baby’s bum and legs-in a seated position from one knee to another). Immature circulation: Your baby's circulation is still in the process of developing. My 6 month old baby has a handful of reddish purple like bumps on her feet and now are extending up her leg .he there is now even light bruising around the leg bumps. If baby is still all rolled up, try massaging and stretching baby's legs at least every time you change your baby. If your foot starts to turn purple without having any bruise or bump, then you must consult a doctor because purple feet generally indicate that there is a problem with blood circulation and it can possibly be a serious condition. If the leg is turning purple or blue it is a warning sign that the heart may already be affected. The pictures in this link also show how small babies can be positioned with legs out. To this day, I still frequently resort to acupuncture for back pain, raw garlic to fight the common cold, and fresh ginger compresses that remarkably reduce mysterious and recalcitrant swellings on the skin. NOTE: Babycenter is looking to include more images of black and brown skin. Blue, or elbows cyanosis is the main reason to discuss about the significance of purple –! Without any bumps or bruises, you should see your doctor and he is n't smooched in there result the! Leg Turns blue when we hold our DD 1 or both of legs... Already be affected as this can be potentially serious back looking over shoulder! Make noises and is having trouble breathing, and even 50 pounds about mins. Inside the body of the carrier it 's both legs turning this freaky blue with red splotches covered in goo! 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