The Assimil series is a sort of special language learning resource that I discuss in a blog post here. Beginner to advanced German courses. First, while there is an “emergent phenomenon” of the kind experienced with vocabulary decks, it’s harder to take advantage of it. 3. In just five months, you will be able to hold a conversation with German speakers. 8 years of no consistent language studying, just some contact here and there, plus had forgotten a lot of what I had learned in my teens. With regards to the exposure, I could speculate that my “learning mind” paid more attention to the German rather than the English word (which by itself would suggest that it “doesn’t matter” if one uses non-target language in the cards), making the German more “salient” to my mind, creating an effect that is akin to being exposed more often to the German. German Verbs Come Second, Most Of The Time. Dutch decks for speakers of Turkish About Ankipedia. Ich sehe (ein Wagen) At this point, you should be using Lang-8 as a testing ground. Ich sehe (der Wagen) Anki-Do is a new type of smart device that allows you to make the most of short periods of time during the day to memorize new information. First, you need to find an adequate picture, and in addition you need to manually copy it into the “add card” window. Sure, there’ll still be things you don’t understand and things you can’t easily say yet. Ich habe das Buch der (Frau) Just write individual sentences, change something, and see if you know how the rest of the sentence will respond. Get yourself a small collection of nouns in each gender and use them in your examples. Erik kommt nach Hause (heute) ––> Erik kommt heute nach Hause But after using Anki for a few months, you will soon see how it … iOS: Anki on the AppStore. er ___ reich (sein)* “trade”? The template is built in html, javascript and css. Problematic. *After these, you can start grouping the plural sie forms with the formal Sie singular in future cases if you want. Instead, my mind simplified things in the process, the data going in went through a “compression” if you will so that instead of learning so many letters for each verb, for example, my mind recognized reoccurring forms and simply learned for each verb its form and a few letters (not all) necessary to construct the verb. You’re training conjugation here, but maybe more importantly, it will also help substantially for keeping the pronouns separate in your head. And nouns are relatively trivial ––– imagine illustrations of verbs: “receiving”? You can worry about syncing later to your phone. Step 1: Download the Anki App on your computer. German grammar is actually simpler than you might imagine. Hi! ––> Wer seid ihr? If you use only words you can copy pairs into a single text file and then import it wholesale into a deck (I imagine one might implement a tool that allows to import a list with words and images. I use it every day and I love it. Further still, the internet is bountiful with word lists waiting for you to grab and import them, to say nothing of existing shared decks2. AnkiWeb is a free companion to the computer version of Anki. Start using Anki on your computer. However, if one verifies somehow (through a German speaking friend, for example) that the seemingly wrong sentence is indeed correct, it’s a good indication that the deck needs more examples of the singular card’s case, since the point is learning to generalize from the deck, and that card proved you that your generalization is not good. Ich habe das Buch des (Mädchen) 4 Genitive noun cards: Learn German for free with DW. Other suggestions : ankieken, ankitten, Ankreis, Ank. © Fluent Forever, 2018. I suppose that that review was not entirely comprehensive, but otherwise my assumption is that if one memorises enough examples of “every sentence structure”, one can get a good basic command of a language (and then a more comprehensive vocabulary learning is the next step, whether through exposure to the language, or through rote memorisation). I covered that briefly in a reader Q&A over here. Syntax is shorter, at least in terms of covering the basics: The German syntax articles are not bad:, They cover the main issues you’ll run into, particularly that verbs are always in the second position in the sentence (and what it means for them to be in the second position: “Heute kommt Erik nach Hause”: Today comes Erik home, “Vor zwei Tagen kommt er nach Hause”: Two days ago comes he home), the time-manner-place order that German prefers (“Erik kommt heute mit der Bahn nach Hause”: Erik comes today on the train home), and the verb-last quirks of german (“Es gibt eine Umleitung, weil die die Straße reparieren wollen” There is a detour, because they the street to repair want). Assimil. Erik heute (ankommen) ––> Erik kommt heute an. French has a more complicated verb conjugation system where you need to learn a lot more forms and declensions than in German where other auxiliary words are used in addition to the words instead of changing the verb itself. Johannes sieht (ihr) Upon learning to play a composition, a beginner might have to think about putting one finger on the C key, another finger on the E flat key, and another one on the G key every time she encounters the C minor chord in the score. I think I’m at a good point at which I could move on to “immerse myself” in the language. Best German deck on Anki. “friendship”? : “Die Frau ist groß” “Ich sehe die Frau” If my book becomes successful and I get the opportunity to write a German-specfic book, my goal is going to be to make all relevant information as accessible as possible, but stop slightly short of actually writing out each and every card; there needs to be enough interaction with the grammar to make these cards your own. “giving”? [What is that? As far as my study of German served a dual role of acquiring the language and of a running a “studying methodology experiment”, at this point I had waned off my initial “purist” approach3. is small. I laud such experiments such as Michal Ryszard Wojcik’s Norwegian experiment, through which he had taught himself Norwegian solely through Norwegian material. I’ll generate questions like this one with google translate if i have to, then doublecheck them on lang-8), Welcher Fall? Having the English -> German ones is of course beneficial for learning expression but: 1. After all, I learned the association between the idea of the household item and the word “Topf” without strengthening the association between the same item and the word “pot”. If you have more questions about Anki and learning German, there’s also the Anki language learners community on Reddit. Johannes sieht (du) To drive the point home, I’d say I find this noteworthy because had I been a “perfect learner” I would have learned all my cards together with their mistakes. [Who is he] Learning a language; Studying for medical and law exams; Memorizing people's names and faces; Brushing up on geography; Mastering long poems; Even practicing guitar chords! Ich sehe die (schön) Bücher What can you do with Anki-Do? You can import the cloze deletions into Anki using the CSV file provided for each language. Vor zwei Tagen kommt er nach Hause (Two days ago is coming Erik home) These were well rehearsed words, but one cannot attribute the effect only to the frequency of exposure, since every time I was exposed to the German word I was also exposed to the English word ––– due to the nature of the word-pairs ––– and, in addition, I was more likely to encounter the English word outside of the deck context, which would suggest that I should have been better at recalling the English rather than the German word. If this was my very first foreign language and I was early in the process, I’d probably add them. My initial plan was to go through these phases: first, learn a significant amount of words so as to acquire the “building blocks” necessary for the next phase. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. All rights reserved. The problem is that It’s harder to check the correctness of a sentence ––– one cannot just look it up in the dictionary. You’re looking for where your current sense of the language doesn’t quite work, so you can find out what does work. die (schön) Stadt ist klein 10 cards for (sein). And third, engage in German “media”: articles, books, movies and so on. Try this out to generate the Genitive questions (once you get there); make something up and see if it works or not. Same thing, just you’ll need an additional 4 cards to deal with the changing morphology of the noun, too: 9. Other than mining the sentences I did make an effort to learn the “prescriptive rules” of the language. What is Anki? Card 2: Front: Wir fahren ____ die Stadt Back: Wir fahren durch die Stadt. I can’t remember if such errors occurred, but it’s possible I have input the wrong gender for some words (e.g. The assumption here is that after learning word pairs, whenever I want to say “Huhn”, my mind would have to first conjure the word “chicken” from the idea of chicken and then recall the German association “Huhn”, instead of jumping directly from the idea of chicken to the German word. The interesting thing is that they were not encoded in the data I was taking in, but I learned them nonetheless (though implicitely. And start expressing yourself in German sooner. My pdf was not an official document, but a scan. Anki. ––> Was sieht Johannes? die (schön) Bücher sind klein, 4. Ostensibly, I was merely learning word pairs (German word – translated word), such that the learning of one card/ word-pair should not in any way interact with the learning of another card. Anki can also be used to study German cultural and historical facts—in fact the app website boasts that you can use their app to memorize just about anything. Erik nach Hause (kommt) ––> Heute kommt Erik nach Hause (Betonung: heute) (“Ich gebe der Stadt ein Brötchen” or “Ich gebe den Bücher ein Brötchen” is a pretty weird idea, maybe better to use “die Frau”, “das Mädchen” and “die Männer” or something). ANKI a pocket dictionary; a grammar book; a grammar cheat sheet; That’s it. Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. This problem, by the way, might also exist in decks you create yourself. This phenomenon suggest that sufficiently big Anki language decks could be rather resilient to error, as one can detect these “outliers” during the process of learning. In my experience, memorizing set phrases can help you get the patterns down pat, and programs like Anki can help you memorize them. Enjoy! Prepositions tend to benefit from two or 3 types of cards, one shows the effect of that preposition on its neighbors, and one : (I have no affiliation or link with Anki. Access to unlimited foreign language content is $9.99/month. No Progress With Duolingo? Erik kommt heute an (Wann?) Remember to get a good grammar book and grab examples from it; it will make your job much much easier: it should give you a bunch of ready-made examples, it should give you a bunch of ready made questions that are basically already in flashcard format, and it should have a sensible order with which you should learn each thing (learn nominative, genders and plurals before doing accusative, do accusative before dative, do 2-case prepositions after accusative and dative, etc. Anki App is available in English, French, German, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Portuguese, and Romanian on all supported platforms, with more in the works. Ich sehe den (schön) Wagen We saw that getting to a solid intermediate level in German is all about becoming a “going concern” in the language as an “independent user”. At this phase Anki would only be used to maintain previously acquired knowledge, and to rote-memorise examples that pop-up whose understanding is not included in or not generalized from the thitherto deck. Anki. Beißt der Hund den Mann? Use both. Now add a series of cards that go backwards: 10. ––> Back of card: Wer ist er? Erik kommt heute nach Hause. So this guide aims to help language learners understand how to use Anki. There is power in simplicity. ––> Was ist das? ––> Beißt der Hund den Mann? “die Frau” Back of card: der Werfall + der Wenfall. The tips for using Anki above show just a part of what Anki can do to enhance your vocabulary, grammar and overall language skills. While my vocabulary deck above made me good at recognizing a lot of the words I have encountered, as well as impress German speaking friends, it did little to advance my articulation or comprehension of sentences of a structure more complex than the very basic kind ––– and my German remained roughly at the “party trick” level. Suitable for either independent study or students in schools, … With hundreds of interactive exercises for beginners through to advanced German learners, you can practise what you have learnt and master the German language. More significantly, however, I believe, the word “Topf” is unambivalent, while the word “pot” has many different meanings, only one of which is “saucepan”1. sie (plural) ___ reich (sein)** I think it might be helpful to have an “advanced vocabulary deck”, but mostly after the general basics of the language ––– syntax, grammar and so on ––– had been already mastered (indeed, this is what I had done with English, to much benefit). Erik, nach Hause (kommt) –> Erik kommt nach Hause. Don't worry! Anki App is available world-wide in up to 155 countries or regions around the world. Memrise. I still cannot tell you what the distinction is) and therefore could detect errors in my cards. You save a lot of time in the long run keeping them all as separate as possible. By adding media to the cards, you can build stronger connections to words that make them easier to recall. I found many shared decks to be problematic for me for different reasons, and hitherto I’ve never used one extensively myself. how to use ANKI and why it is effective; all the functional Grammar (i.e., Grammar which you need to communicate with others) After this case, you’ll probably get a sense that ein and kein share forms and diese/die share forms and you might be able to move down to just 8 of these sorts of cards for future cases : Ich sehe (das Auto) If you are new to Anki, then some of the tips may seem difficult to understand at first. Learning German grammar can be difficult and a good textbook can help you with the fundamentals. Check your writing in English, Spanish, German, French, and more than 15 other languages Ich sehe (die Stadt) I’ve been learning languages on and off for more years than I’d like to count. To import a file, click the File menu and then select Import. 1. ): Ich ___ reich (sein) [I am rich, you are rich, etc…] You end up doing much same thing as you did with morphology: take some models, change a few things about them and see what happens. That’s why we created our own Anki German minimal pairs examples flashcards for you. Is that a picture of a “dish”? You can generate quite a bit out of this one: (der/die/das) Auto ist klein. Anki Anki is a kind of flashcard software and it is my favourite language learning tool. Different books and websites and ways to figure out languages come and go, but only one always remains: Anki (available for iPhone, Android, and desktop).. Anki cards are basically digital flashcards that you can use on both your computer and your mobile device, but they’re so, so much more than that. Ich sehe (diese Stadt) Erik kommt heute. sie (singular) ___ reich (sein)* So skip that one for now. Learn German with these Resources To learn German, you’re going need a way to learn correct pronunciation, a frequency dictionary to form your base vocabulary, and a good grammar book. How to say anki in German? Erik kommt heute an. You’ll want Dative and Genitive versions of how “wer” and “was” change in different cases (or don’t change, for “was”). Front –––> Back I've made a number of Anki decks throughout the last year. I think there probably was some merit in the study as a whole, but in the name of urgency I could have better spent my time by proceeding-on from vocabulary learning instead of ever expanding the vocabulary deck. more work to construct a deck that uses images, as oppose to only words. It’s difficult doing so in the other way around. Either way, despite the appeal of such a method to my taste, at present I believe the quickest (least time consuming/ most flexible timewise) way to learn a language is through a combination of “pure language immersion” and “supervised learning”. One can easily recognize when one was correct deciphering the meaning of a German sentence, even if the back English sentence is not identical to the one one conjured. Ich sehe (kein Wagen) About a little more than a year ago, I started outlining a language course concept. Thanks to this, you can mount Anki-Do almost on any surface or carry it in your pocket. You’ll end up looking the word in the dictionary anyway, and thenceforward according to this naive theory you’ll arguably have to first think of the translated word first, lengthening the path your mind has to make whenever you recall the word (e.g. Anki resources for German, with free vocabulary 'booster packs' on the first friday of every month. Your main goal here is to form 6 boxes in your head that fit the 6 parts of speech, and start to group pronouns with the same part of speech together (so every time you see Sie(sing), it jumps to the same box as the two plural sie forms, and every time you see sie(sing), it jumps to the same box as es and er). Flashcards are a system where you can study an English word and then see a photo or the translation into your own language. That should pretty much cover morphology. However, German morphology is not random. My deck contains bidirectional cards (German -> English and English -> German), but I think it might have been better to have only German -> English cards, at least for a (long) beginning. I have been interested for a while in the ability to learn a foreign language through Anki; not by using it as an assisting factor, but as the core teacher. What if I combine “möchte” with a separable prefix verb like “ankommen”? My most enduring German vocabulary deck was created by taking a pdf version of the Langenscheidt English-German dictionary of most frequent German words. Later these were supplemented by other words I have encountered here and there. What exactly is B1 German vocabulary and grammar? Any decent grammar book will give you all of these things. What's the German translation of anki? 16 cards for indefinite/definite articles. The German language has twelve different ways of forming the plural. “spaghetti”? Johannes sieht (Sie (pl))*. You’ll need to change up some of your nouns to they make sense in context. It takes considerably longer time to review them ––– obviously it’s easier to learn the meaning of sentences than to learn how to form the German translations. These flashcards can either be downloaded or you can create your own. The app’s courses are created by the community and there are plenty of German courses. I attribute this error’s very long endurance to its similarity to other correct German words such as “Viertel” and “Achtel”, both of which were in the same deck) and letter permutations (e.g. 1. However learning how to use Anki takes time and can be confusing. der (schön) Wagen ist klein (For readers dealing with languages where the nouns do this all the time [aka most slavic languages], this is what most of your grammar cards will look like) Include fields: audio, transcriptions. You may even need to pass a German B1 exam. ], Accusative: Verb position is one of the most straightforward grammar concepts in German. However, for the curious mind I’ll offer one hypothesis about one particular word: “Topf”. See comprehensive translation options on! Anki uses this information to plug these cards into its algorithm. Most of my “interaction with German” has been through my Anki decks, and yet ––– and this was particularly the case during my very intensive vocabulary deck learning period ––– sometimes while speaking English and picking my words as I go I’d recall a word in German immediately, but have to search for a longer or shorter while for the English word. stylistsische. Question. If I was wrong but I thought I was right, or if I was right while I thought I might have been wrong, I learned something wrong. It’s a weird construction). Anki template for German that automatically generates cloze deletions and color-codes nouns Using the magic of German grammar, this Anki template automatically color-codes nouns by gender and generates cloze deletions without extra clicks or note types—just enter the word and an example sentence. Ich sehe (kein Auto) Use Anki flashcards for LC Languages Speaking example answers to learn advanced vocabulary, grammar structures and cohesive devices for IELTS, TOEFL, CPE. There is power in simplicity. Ich habe das Buch des (Mann) I’d wait a little while for that to settle, then head into the next cases: Accusative model: Ich sehe den Mann [I see the man/a man/no man/that man]. Two examples: Change ), My name is Mark Neznansky, and in this blog I present possible uses of. Here are some models: Ich sehe die (schön) Stadt ANKI a pocket dictionary; a grammar book; a grammar cheat sheet; That’s it. Anki is a computer program and phone app in which you can study flashcards. Learn German From Scratch To a B2 Level In 5 Months – A Study Plan I decided to break everything down for you so you can, hopefully, follow this plan. 10 cards for pronoun transformations + 2 questions: [Johannes sees me/you/him/her…], Johannes sieht (ich) This means that you do not have to manage the review scheduling of your flashcards and is a huge benefit for language learners with limited time. It’s worth thinking of Anki as a skill that can be developed to virtuoso levels, and attempting to continue to level up toward such virtuosity. Bookmarks for German grammar web exercises This site provides links to interactive exercises from various sites, some great, some good, some bad. (Erik comes/is coming home) (Wer) sieht Johannes? For example, to a German “half four” (halb vier) means 3:30 (half before four) while to a British person it means 4:30 ... Here’s a grammar game you can use on Anki: Say you want to learn the present-tense conjugations of the Spanish verb “hablar” (to speak). Download the Verb Deck 2000 Dutch sentences with English translation Dutch Words in themes like clothing, food, means of transportation. One thing that’s important here, is that you should make sure each sentence you write makes sense to you before you put it in. Every time I do that, I regret it. 8. ), Enjoy what you're reading? “Anki” is the Japanese word for “memorization”. Otherwise, all in all, I think the sentence deck is progressing me in the language, but this is still an experiment on the go! And how are you going to know if the picture is a verb or a noun (yes, there’s a trivial solution to this, but it probably would not be implemented in the deck you’d download)? Ich sehe (ein Auto) Second, “learn” (rote memorise) a significant amount of sentences. French grammar or German grammar? Here’s what you can do with them: 2. (der/die/das) Stadt ist klein. A student of German as a foreign language must learn the plural for each new noun learned; although many feminine nouns are very regular in the formation of the plural, many masculine and neuter nouns are not. Johannes sieht (er) Could you recommend me any good decks for German to boost my vocabulary? Erik kommt heute nach Hause. Some of the decks are quite good. Many language learners enjoy the use of Anki flashcards because it allows you to harness the power of Anki’s Spaced Repetition and therefore allow you to learn, memorize and retain German in your long-term memory. There are cases when several cards suggest that another card is wrong, but sometimes it is not the case ––– things get more complex once we step from patterns of words to patterns of sentences. If it doesn’t, change things around (like using Frau instead of Stadt, for example) until it makes sense. That there are such verb forms in German is not secret –– grammar distinguishes between “weak” and “strong” verbs. What new vocabulary and grammar do you need to move from upper beginner (A2) to lower intermediate (B1) German? First, there were errors in my source material. Johannes sieht (sie (pl))* Anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. With experience she’ll be able to “just play the chord” without thinking about its constituent keys, and even play common (and not so common) chord progressions. That should give you a decently solid base in the nominative case after a few repetitions in Anki. Ich weiß nicht + Wann kommt Erik an ––> Ich weiß nicht, wann Erik ankommt. (Which case?) (Wer) gibst du das Brötchen? Erik heute nach Hause (kommt) ––> Erik kommt heute nach Hause I have not found this to be the case. While you do have many options available, these are among the best German grammar books you can find today. Sentence memorization. That is, presumably, during the pdf creation the pictures of the scanned book pages were converted into text) was attuned to English. How to use the Model Deck to learn Abstract Words and Grammar. However, I can imagine I’m wrong at this point. If so, you’re in the right place for some actionable information on the B1 German vocabulary and grammar that you need how to master it. Also, as a side note, I’ll mention that “saucepan” is not a word I have used very much. Ich sehe (dieses Auto)
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