We know 306 definitions for AFT abbreviation or acronym in 7 categories. Looking for the definition of AFP? Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on January 12, 2021 . AFT Secretary-Treasurer Fedrick C. Ingram at an AFT Votes Candidate Roundtable with Beto O’Rourke in Miami How to use aft in a sentence. AFT Terminology. Within Sterling B2B Integrator, the new Advanced File Transfer menu sets up and monitors the routing capability, referred to as the Router.Routing enables a producer of data to direct a file to a particular consumer of that data, where the producer and consumer are AFT partners of the Router. Aft definition is - near, toward, or in the stern of a ship or the tail of an aircraft. Possible AFT meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. ATF: Above the fold. Above the fold (ATF): Here, we are going to learn about the Above the fold, significance of search engine optimization, etc. Firearms: F 5320.23 : National Firearms Act (NFA) Responsible Person Questionnaire (ATF Form 5320.23) (651 KB) The ATF copy of the form, with fingerprints on Form FD-258 and photograph, will be submitted with the ATF Form 1, 4, or 5 (to the address shown on the specific form) and the other copy will be directed to the responsible person’s chief law enforcement officer. For ATF we have found 445 definitions. What is the full form of AFT ? Get AFT full form and full name in details. AFT - Accelerated Failure Timeamp; AFT - Attractor Field Therapy; AFT - Automatic File Transfer; AFT - Available File Table; AFT - Animal Facilitated Therapy; AFT - Abbreviated Functional Test; AFT - Atomized Fuel Technologies; AFT - … We know 445 definitions for ATF abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Please look for them carefully. AFT Stands For: All acronyms (306) Airports & Locations (2) Business & Finance (8) Common Government & Military (16) … The corresponding adjective, in distinguishing one feature of the vessel from another is after.See the caption to the right. It certainly is a slightly more respectable option compared to dropping a full-blown f-bomb in a tweet or in a text message, but unlike other internet slang terms like LOL and BRB, this is a term that you should avoid using in some situations. As mentioned above, ALF is used as an acronym in text messages to represent Aft Looking Forward. Abbreviation : AFT. Find. ; What does AFT mean? The Technology, IT etc. Menu Search "AcronymAttic.com. Or; "What's happening aft?". ; What does ATF mean? ATF Stands For: All acronyms (445) Airports & Locations (6) Business & Finance (11) Common (3) Government & Military … AFT members rally at US Customs and Border Security Office for immigrant rights, July 12, 2019. Please look for them carefully. All responsible persons must complete their own Part B – Responsible Person Questionnaire of the ATF Form 7/7CR. Aft, in naval terminology, is an adjective or adverb meaning, towards the stern (rear) of the ship, when the frame of reference is within the ship, headed at the fore. 'Agence France Presse' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Possible ATF meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Example: "Able Seaman Smith; lay aft!". For AFT we have found 306 definitions. Behind the scenes from AFT Convention 2020. Find out what is the full meaning of AFP on Abbreviations.com!
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